Christmas in Mexico

My ‘angelito’ from Chignahuapan, home of the glass ‘esferas’ that hang on ‘arboles’ around Mexico.
Want to know about Christmas in Mexico?
Here are some useful links:
Why Christmas? offers a simple description including key events.
Read this article to find out about Christmas in Mexico, including the unique Noche de los rabanos in Oaxaca.
Find out about Christmas in Mexico here and then ‘turn the page’ to compare it with the celebrations in Spain. In which ways are they different?
Mexican Christmas recipes anyone?
And here’s a cute video with some facts and singing!
This article explains the importance of the poinsettia to Aztecs who called it cuetlaxochitl which means “mortal flower that perishes and withers like all that is pure.”
Here’s a story about The Legend of the Poinsettia:
And another story, this time about Las Posadas.
This site has links to lots of articles if you want to explore more, but I’ll leave you with a couple of Mexican Christmas songs.
The song that is sung during posadas:
A short radio programme with some suggestions of carols from the childhood of Betto Arcos en Veracruz, including Los peces en el río
And how could I not include Feliz Navidad?