Los dias de la semana – ¡Vámonos!

Los dias de la semana

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I was teaching Year 1 the days of the week this morning. We used the marvellous Days of the week song from Español Español but I’ve found this cute little clip on Youtube as well.
If you use it, though, you need to remind pupils that Spanish days of the week (and months of the year) have lower case initial letters and not capitals as we do in English.

2 thoughts on “Los dias de la semana”

  1. Aine says:


    I have been dipping in and out of your site for awhile now and thought I should finally leave a comment to thank you for all your great resources. I have found them fantastic in the classroom as we are only starting Spanish up at our school for the first time and I don’t have a lot of resources.

    Just wondering what is the Espanol Espanol music you are referring to? I am looking for a good recommendation on a CD to purchase with music. etc for things like Days of the Week.

    Gracias por todo!

    1. lisibo says:

      Thanks for the comment Aine!

      Español, Español is produced by The Language Factory – http://www.language-factory.co.uk
      It’s a great resource with lots of catchy songs to teach a wide range of vocabulary and structures

      Lisa x

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