Absorbing Language Learning – Language World 2009 – ¡Vámonos!

Absorbing Language Learning – Language World 2009

| Posted in ALL, free resources, ideas, Language World 2009, lisibo, presentations, primary, primary languages

I was lucky enough to be asked to present this year at Language World, the annual conference of the Association for Language Learning (ALL), which took place at University of Leicester on 3rd and 4th April.

My presentation was entitled Absorbing Language Learning and offered ideas to engage enthuse and stimulate language learners, particularly focusing on the Primary Language Learning context although the ideas are all transferable.

I was really glad to be on the programme near the beginning of the conference as I was then able to relax and enjoy the rest of it. And I was also really chuffed that my session was so full – we only just had enough chairs!

As promised, here is the presentation with links to all the resources. The battery on my iRiver sadly gave up midway through the session, but the lovely Joe Dale had given the equally lovely Alex Blagona an iRiver to record me too so I will shortly add the audio to the Slideshare and then you’ll be able to hear me too!

Links to sites and resources can also be found in my delicious bookmarks under lw09

photos – http://www.?ickr.com/photos/emerging/

6 thoughts on “Absorbing Language Learning – Language World 2009”

  1. Jo says:

    Another brilliant presentation – thank you for sharing this as I was so disappointed not to get there in person – AGAIN!J x

  2. Lisa Stevens says:

    Thanks Jo! Audio to follow soon too. You too can be deafened by the fire alarm!!Lisaxx

  3. Mr Blagona says:

    I was there, but will listen again just to hear the fire alarm – did yo put it through the levelator?

  4. Lisa Stevens says:

    Hi Alex.Joe is editing it at the moment and is cutting out the firealarm :O(Lisaxx

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