Teachers TV – ¡Vámonos!

Teachers TV

| Posted in lisibo, TeacherTV, tv, video, wcps

Last June I spent a very enjoyable but also very tiring day being filmed by Teachers TV. The premise of the series of which my programme was to be a part was that an ‘expert’ in an area of ICT was visited by an interested / curious ‘beginner’. The ‘beginner’ observed the ‘expert’ for a day then went back to their school to try out some of the things they had learned. My area was ‘online communities / social media’ and my visitor, Marie Guyomarc’h, a secondary French teacher.

Yesterday saw the premiere of the programme – I came downstairs at 8am to discover my children laughing their heads off as they watched. Thankfully, not all viewers were as amused and I received some lovely tweets from people who had seen the programme either online or on TV.
If you want to watch, you can access the video here where you can also find lesson plans and further tips on the area.
So, watch and see – will you join my boys laughing at me or will you find it even a little bit helpful?

4 thoughts on “Teachers TV”

  1. runaway says:

    Bravo Lisa – next step the BBC and Hollywood I hope!Seriously it's great and I will definitely be using the clip with our secondary networks!Jo x

  2. Karen says:

    Nice video explaining the different technologies. I would like to ask you about Twitter. How do you have so many responding to your tweets? Are you on the public time line? Or are these people all just following you? Thanks, Karen

  3. Lisa Stevens says:

    Thanks for your comment Jo! Was nerve wracking but glad people are finding it useful!Lisaxx

  4. Lisa Stevens says:

    Karen – I have just checked and I have 1027 followers. Most of the people who responded are among my followers. However, some were new having read my message retweeted by someone else who they follow. It works best of you post several tweets – in the video I had previously warned people that I would tweet at a certain time and posted the question too in order to allow people to respond if they'd be busy or asleep! I then tweeted an hour before the lesson and actually during the lesson.Hope that helps!Lisaxx

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