Cuerdas – ¡Vámonos!


| Posted in languages, primary languages, spanish, videos, Youtube

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 10.59.55I saw this short film or ‘cortometraje’ shared yesterday on Facebook and I can’t get it out of my head so I thought I’d share it with you.

Cuerdas is the winning short film in the Premio Goya 2014 and tells the story of how life changes for María when a new and special child joins her school. It’s heartwarming (and heartbreaking) ; a lesson in seeing things as a child, finding solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems, and being a good friend. Even if you don’t speak Spanish it’s easy to understand and you can’t fail to miss the message!

It struck a chord with me as I have a gorgeous nephew who I’d like to think is treated as María treats her new friend.

And because, at a deeper level, it reminded me of the times when someone has metaphorically tied their hands and/or feet to mine and made me move when I couldn’t of my own volition, who has included me in their ‘games’ when I had nothing to contribute and been sad when I wasn’t there.

We all need a helping hand sometimes, don’t we?


As the Youtube video seems to have been removed, Hopefully this video will work!

4 thoughts on “Cuerdas”

  1. Jane Croft says:

    I had already pinned this video on Pinterest as it is so good – but I can no longer access it. Can you, please?

    1. lisibo says:

      Hi Jane

      Thanks of the comment. Yes, it’s been removed due to a copyright claim 🙁 You can still access the trailer here and says that it will be released soon and to follow the Twitter/Facebook pages for more details. Until then, I guess we’ll have to wait!

      Lisa xx

  2. a_gruncell says:

    When will the full film be re released.
    I am a parent of a special needs child and it touches my heart

    1. lisibo says:

      You can buy the DVD here – it seems to come with a book as well.

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