It ain’t grim up North!
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Humber Bridge light reflections, originally uploaded by David Locke1.
Just spent a lovely day in Hull at their primary language conference. The sun shone, the trees were very autumnal and it was far from ‘grim’
About 90 delegates attended the day which focussed on Using ICT in Primary Language teaching, attending workshops on film in education by Mark Reid of BFI, the use of animation for improved speaking and listening in language learning led by Oscar Stringer, using school networks to support language learning led by Dorolyn Parker and cross curricular collaboration, led by me.
I’m becoming more used to presenting seminars now and, whilst the adrenalin rushes and I have butterflies, it is not as frightening as it once was. However, Hull presented a new challenge as I’d been invited as keynote speaker as well – a first! Anyone who has been following my tweets this week may have sensed the growing anxiety I experienced as the ‘big day’ approached; that was but nothing compared to my state this morning. However, once I’d cracked a joke and got everyone doing a ridiculous warm up dance, I felt much better and, despite one or two issues with projector not wanting to talk to my Mac and then the Internet failing to connect, I think the session went well. I even think my use of a Fernando Torres clip (a mere four days after he scored a hattrick in the 6-1 defeat of Hull City by Liverpool) may have been forgiven by 95% of the delegates.
My Keynote was entitled Inspiring Creative Teaching in the Primary Language Classroom and centred on what ICT can do to enhance and support language teaching and learning. As Ewan McIntosh said – it’s not about the tech, it’s about the teach.
My seminar was entitled Don’t be mad, get cross curricular with ICT and PLL and focussed on embedding and entwining language learning into the existing school curriculum, making links and collaborating, and tools that might help in this. We talked eTwinning, eLanguages and it was also pleasing to see that schools are working collaborativel on a local level in clusters to support one another.
Below I’ve posted my presentations – pop back over the next couple of days to see the screencast with audio. I’ll also post both sessions on Lisibo talks! as soon as I have a spare moment!
Any queries, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly – my details are at the end of the slideshow.
A couple of things I mentioned that weren’t in the handout (also below)
The wiki sites I mentioned were Wikispaces, Wetpaint and PBWiki.
For ways of using Youtube, and/or downloading clips where it is blocked, have a look at a previous presentation You and Youtube where I mention RealPlayer, Zamzar, MediaConverter and Firefox widgets.
You can obtain Take Ten en français or en español from Devon Education Services or from Little Linguist.
And finally, check out this post for details of tutorials for some of the tools I mentioned today.
Thanks for a great day Hull! You’ve definitely made an impression on me!
Thanks for the links, Lisa. Really enjoyed the seminar, and the keynote was absolutely great – really inspiring!
Hi, LisaA very inspiring post. I'm glad your keynote went well. I think a rush of adrenalin is good, actually. As for things going wrong, in my experience it makes you more human to the audience: it kind of gives them 'permission' for stuff to go wrong for them too!It sounds like you're doing nice things with Web 2.0, so I hope you and perhaps some of your readers will consider contributing to a free Web 2 projects book I'm compiling — details and I've had over 70 entries so far!CheersTerry