October 17, 2009 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: October 17, 2009

Storybird – update!


Further to my previous post about the wonderful STORYBIRD site, I’ve got good news and bad news!

The bad news is that, as the site is still in its infancy, if your story is written in a language other than English it cannot be published (ie put in the public gallery) as it cannot be moderated. As the site grows, this will change.
The good news is that you can still write stories and save them on the site, and that these can be shared via the ‘Send to a friend’ link.
Saira Ghani has just written a story too and I’m about to write another.
Here’s the Tweet conversation I had with @storybird
So let’s keep making stories and hope that the site grows at an amazing rate!



I’m on a blog writing roll this week aren’t I?

I picked up the following earlier –

which was followed by this tweet –

And being an inquisitive gal, I went and had a look.

What a brilliant tool! You’re provided with a vast array of images from different artists that you can use to make story books. You just choose the images and write the story. SOOOOOO exciting!
I wrote a story – click below to read it!

I’ll be writing more soon too.
And I can see pupils enjoying this too – lots of scope for description, imagination and creativity! For example, there are many monsters that could be used for physical description. There are animals for stories of the jungle and savannah and quirky characters just asking to be written about.
Not only a great tool for creating though – when you write a story you can choose to keep it private or make it public – and there are many many public stories so you need never be stuck for a story again!

Animated languages

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Another highlight of the Hampshire Language Conference was Oscar Stringer‘s session on Animation. So popular it was put on twice, and had to move rooms to accommodate the number of people wishing to attend, from the conversations I heard, Oscar and his ideas were a hit!

Using I Can Animate and a Hue webcam, Oscar guided the assembled throng through how to animate using fuzzy felts before adding voiceover using iMovie – bet he had no shortage of volunteers!

You can see the finished movies – made in 20 minutes!- on Oscar’s blog, along with other examples of animation using languages such as the ones from Wednesday in Gloucestershire, and the lovely animations made with a Reception class last year. You’ll also find plenty of tips and guidance on how animation can be used right across the curriculum and beyond.

Animation is such a brilliant way of getting kids to be creative, to collaborate and to be independent – and it’s such fun!

As Jo Rhys-Jones kindly pointed out last night, in all my blogging I have failed to post my own presentation!

My session was entitled Exciting ICT for the Language Classroom and looked at (mainly free) ICT tools that can be used to enhance and support language learning. The Internet played ball this week which is always a bonus, and I hope that everyone who attended went away with at least one idea that they could implement in their classroom.
Below is my presentation to which I’ve added the audio so you can watch and listen! Aren’t you lucky?!

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