¡Pocoyo y la hora del Planeta! – ¡Vámonos!

¡Pocoyo y la hora del Planeta!

| Posted in crosscurricular, environment, Pocoyo, video, Youtube

I’m a great fan of Pocoyo – just a shame that Stephen Fry doesn’t do the voiceover for the Spanish version. In the following video, Pocoyo encourages us to join in with La Hora del Planeta.

Tomorrow from 8.30-9.30pm is Earth Hour – when we are encouraged to switch off the lights and vote for the Earth.

A cute clip with a worthwhile message that little things – and little people! – can make a big difference.

2 thoughts on “¡Pocoyo y la hora del Planeta!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    !Pero ya han demostrado que ese tipo de campañas es peor que no hacer nada! Hay que concientizar a los gobiernos para que cambien las fuentes de energia, con los apagones derrochamos electricidad, saturamos el sistema, etc, :http://camaleonx.wordpress.com/2008/09/09/campana-apagon-mundial-otra-idiotez-ecologica-2/No quiero empeorar mas todavia al planeta, Lo siento, esta vez yo no me sumoMarcelo

  2. Lisa Stevens says:

    I agree that we need to get Governments to act and do the big things – but I also think it’s good to bring attention to small ways in which we can save energy and make a tiny difference.Better something than nothing – de mica en mica s’omple la pica x

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