February 2009 – Page 2 – ¡Vámonos!

Month: February 2009

Pedagogs :o)

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I love stickers! I love sticking them on my books, and I love sticking them on children as rewards!

So I am always looking for funky stickers, particularly in Spanish for my classes.

There are lovely ones available from
Language Stickers in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, Welsh, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian and Latin
Superstickers in French, German, Spanish and Welsh
Linguascope in French, German, Italian, Welsh, Mandarin and Spanish.
in French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish and Welsh.

But some of my favourites come from …

Perhaps it’s my juvenile nature or my love of dressing up, but I love the resources available from Pedagogs! And so do pupils.

So I was really pleased to receive an email today offering 15% off during February!

Stickers are available in Spanish, French, Mandarin (tradtional and simplified) and German, and feature little cartoon people dressed as cowboys, firemen – well, see for yourself below!

And I’ve just noticed that the design of their charity tote bag has changed – I’ve got a blue one but the new one is pink with a mermaid… I feel the need to shop!!

7 by duncan
Attribution-NonCommercial License

As I have now been tagged twice for this meme, by @ajep and @stuart422, and as I have an unexpectedly ‘free’ day, guess I’d better get on with it!

Seven things you may wish to know about me….

1. On my very first school photograph I am wearing a Muppets T-shirt and shorts, and look like a boy. My Mum assures me that’s what I wanted to wear – and I guess she’s probably right! I was an opinionated 5 year old!

2. I appeared on Dutch national TV in cycling shorts and a crop top – but did not fair as badly as my cycling mate whose bottom was filmed cycling away into the distance.

3. In the sixth form, I was nicknamed ‘Anneka’ due to my penchant for jumpsuits and dungarees and the speed at which I moved, and was regularly greeted in the corridors with shouts of “Stop the clock, she’s found the clue!”

4. I have an irrational phobia of cotton wool – even the word makes me shiver and my mouth go dry so I have to lick my teeth.

5. I once sang Lucky Stars on stage with Dean Friedman at Ronnie Scotts in Birmingham. I was volunteered by my ‘friends’ :os

6. I had the chickenpox aged 21 on my year abroad in Spain. Not a pleasant experience :o(

7. Although I’m not technically Spanish, I really should be!

So – who can I tag? I think…. Chris Fuller, Andrew Rhodes, Helena Butterfield, Lynne Horn, Joe Rowing, Sinclair Mackenzie and Dave Baynham!

Snow stops play!

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Today I was supposed to be in Leicester speaking about eTwinning and the potential of using Voki, Voicethread and Audacity in projects. However, the snow got in the way so I’m not there but at home. I sent my presentation and notes to Jenny from the British Council so those brave souls that made it could have a look at what I might have said.

Below you will find all that I would have presented today given the chance.

Notes for MadridFree Legal Forms

MadridFree Legal Forms

And here’s the slideshare related to Whitehouse Common’s awardwinning project – if you want to see examples of the sort of things we did, leave me a message and I’ll upload some of those too.

Yesterday I ran in my first ever running race. At Teachmeet on January I stood up in front of a room full of people and told them what I’d been doing in my classroom with technology.

If you’d told me a year ago that’s what I’d be doing in January 2009, I would have laughed. Lots.

But, as I entitled my Teachmeet presentation – What a difference a year makes!

Below is what I said at Teachmeet, along with links to the work we’ve done (omitted to show any of it on the night as I was so nervous!)

Lisa Stevens (lisibo) @ TeachMeet BETT from Learn4Life on Vimeo.

Our wiki is http://wcps.wikispaces.com and our school website http://www.whitehousecommon.org.uk

And, bless him, this is what Drew Buddie said about me!

Last one of two bits of feedback from TeachMeet at EatMeet from Learn4Life on Vimeo.

And here’s the last 50m of the race in Sutton Park yesterday. It was a handicap race, with each participant estimating how long it would take them to run 5km. We were then set off that amount of time before 1a so in theory we should all have arrived in a bunch together. As it was, I finished in 26 minutes 46 seconds which was 14 seconds off my estimate, and won a prize as I was 5th nearest! Ironically, if I hadn’t had to stop on the final corner because I was heaving s much, I wouldn’t have won anything because I’d have been too fast.

So – what will you be doing this time next year? You never know!

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