What is safety? Here is the list we compiled in a workshop on the subject of eSafety in virtual spaces.

Much of the material we considered n the early part of the session came from the following site -: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Here’s the link to a videoclip linked to people not always being quite what they seem online – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp5nScG6C5g
We had a discussion based around the theme – where do you draw the line? Do we mind people taking our photos? Does it matter on the context? What about children? Is this different? Should it be the matter of course that we seek written permission for use of children’s images? Does this extend to their work or just their photos?
Then we were asked to come up with a scenario that could be used to provoke debate on eSafety.
Our scenario – a 10 year old child with a Facebook profile. The child has given herself a false DOB to register but then revealed the truth on her profile that she is 10 and single. The profile was open to people who weren’t friends as she was member of a network. What issues does this raise?
Another scenario – some pupils in a class don’t like a teacher and provoke them – the pupils video the teacher arguing with them in the heat of the moment and publish it online. It is devastating for the teacher and they hung themself.
And a further scenario – pupils make a video on their mobiles of children wrestling and publish it. A few weeks later, the police arrive with a complaint from a parent who feels the school is a violent place.
Very interesting – what do you think? Any ideas of your own on this subject? You might gain further insight by listening to Edtechroundup (ETRU) Podcast 4!