More IKEA inspiration! – ¡Vámonos!

More IKEA inspiration!

| Posted in creativity, ideas

I had to go to IKEA to buy a chair for my son and, as well as the obligatory meatballs and scented candles, I always end up buying something to use in the classroom. I now own every puppet that IKEA has produced and a large number of their cuddly toys not to mention various storage solutions (boxes and pop up tubs) and stationary items. So what could I possibly discover this time?

  1. Flowers 
  2. Postcards
  3. An insect hat

IMG_8159I bought a bunch of artificial Gerbera daisies (my favourites) to use in teaching colours to Y3. No brown, grey or black but every other colour I need. They’ll make a change from flashcards 😉

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I have a set of 5 Tolsby frames as each of my schools have five tables of 6 pupils in each class. I use them for instructions when we have a carousel activity but thought that these postcards would be good to give them Spanish specific table names. The fruit and vegetable ones will be great with year3/4 as we look at fruit words in both year groups, and the animals for year 4/5.  The animal ones in particular will be good for phonics too – conejo, pájaro, zorro, ardilla, reno (or is it a ciervo?) I’ll put the words for the fruits over the English word for the fruit ones I think.


And then there’s this hat. Would go well with work on mini beasts or describing animals (as we are currently doing in year 5) or just as a prop to go with the moustache and beard I bought last time I went. I was very tempted by the bat cape but restrained myself. This time…

No doubt I’ll have to visit IKEA again soon so watch out for more ideas. I’m already planning a lesson involving scented candles 😉

4 thoughts on “More IKEA inspiration!”

  1. John Connor (@bootleian) says:

    *sigh* You do know how ridiculous you look? 🙂

    1. lisibo says:

      I do indeed! And that’s the fun of it! 😉

  2. I know the feeling!
    We go a couple of times a year. The kids think it is fun day out (with meatballs)
    I go to buy rolls of paper for our church toddlers group and puppets to go with stories and songs we do.

    You should be an Ikea brand ambassador blogger!

    Enjoy the bank holiday.

  3. lisibo says:

    If only such a thing existed, Sarah! 😉
    Lisa x

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