March 14, 2011 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: March 14, 2011

It’s TeachMeetBrum tonight! Whoopee!

Not too late to come along – or join the online streaming if you’re too far away! Details here!

Below is my presentation – or the things I will talk about as I don’t do ‘slides’ for these things – I thought the idea was that you didn’t have any!


Random stuff we did this week!

1. Stories

We’ve used all sorts of storymaking tools – Storybird, Storyjumper, ZooBurst – but this week we discovered Little Bird Tales which allows you to narrate your story.

Here’s one I made earlier!


2. Postcrossing

Looking outward is something at which schools are becoming increasingly good. At Whitehouse Common we have a Connecting Classrooms project going on with India and a Comenius Reggio project with Barcelona.

One very simple way we’ve made looking to the world a day to day thing is by using Postcrossing, a postcard exchange site. I spoke about it in my talk at #ililc on eTwinning and mentioned how we’ve used GoogleMaps to have a constantly updated and graphic idea of where our cards are going to and coming from, as well as the display we made (below) which we’ve now had to dismantle as there were too many postcards!

3. Polldaddy

Son needed to do a survey for his Maths homework and complained that it was a bit silly setting that as there are only 4 people in our house. So we PollDaddy-ed Twitter! And he wrote the URL in his book so the teacher knew he’d not made it up!

4. International links

As I said our school has many links and here are some clips we’ve used to make Barcelona seem all the more real to our pupils and to provoke discussion.

  • Used to inspire work on letters for WorldBookDay using iPod Touches to capture letters in our environment


  • Used to discuss homes and housing in different countries


  • Used to show pupils at our link school learning English


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