Found this via the LiverpoolFC Twitter feed!
And given my love of Spain, music and, most of all, Nando, I just had to share it with you.
Found this via the LiverpoolFC Twitter feed!
And given my love of Spain, music and, most of all, Nando, I just had to share it with you.
Wondering if any of you would like to add to a debate I’m having at the moment re QCA schemes for KS2. I’m trying to help someone choose the best way to present materials on a site to satisfy as many Primary MFL teachers as possible. Having drawn their attention to the KS2 Framework and the QCA units and their thematic and skills rather than topic based approach, they’re now in a quandary as to how to best present things.
As we’re all taking down our Christmas decorations and enjoying the snow, (well, we are here having been granted a snow day!) in Spain and Mexico, children have been receiving their presents this morning, left for them by Los Reyes Magos.
Here is a video of last year’s celebrations in Madrid. Enlightening and well worth using in class to show children what happens.
And not forgetting the hilarious clip I shared last year!
I’ve set myself a challenge for 2010.
Thanks to the BBC Mundo site for this multilingual greetings clip.
Un saludo diferente. La BBC celebra la llegada del 2010 en todas las lenguas en que su Servicio Mundial transmite programas de radio y publica páginas web.
El siguiente es el orden en que aparecen en el video: inglés, persa, uzbeko, swahili, ucraniano, birmano, ruso, bengalí, dari, árabe, portugués, mandarín, francés, cingalés, pashtún, azeri, serbio, hindi, indonesio, nepalí, kirundi, vietnamita, macedonia, somalí, tamil, kirguís, urdu, albanés, turco, cantonés, hausa y español.
Happy New Year to all readers of ¡Vámonos!
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