MFL Flashmeeting – 4th May 2009
Language teacher? Fancy finding meeting up with other language teachers for an hour or so without leaving your own home? Why not join in the Bank Holiday MFL Flashmeeting at 9pm GMT tomorrow (Monday). All you need to join in is a computer with speakers although a microphone and a webcam will allow you to get more involved.
The brainchild of Joe Dale, you can read all about it on his blog here including instructions on how to join in by signing the wiki, and how to make sure you’re prepared.
The suggested agenda is –
- what is your favourite technology at the moment and how is it enhancing language learning?
- the Rose Review and the proposals that technology be at the core of the primary curriculum
- the value of creating your personal learning network and does the microblogging tool have a place in the classroom?
- Web 2.0 CPD opportunities for next academic year – anyone like to organise a conference for language teachers interested in using ICT?
NB – the wiki is looking very full so if you find you can’t get in, please don’t despair. Master of technology Mr Dale will make sure that you can see the replay as soon as the meeting is over and will no doubt blog it too – unless I get there first ;o)