May 12, 2009 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: May 12, 2009

Currently listening to Paz from the Consejeria de Educación talking about all the wonderful things that they do to promote Spanish within the UK and Ireland.

  • Courses for Primary teachers to improve their language skills,
  • Arsenal Double Club,
  • classes for Spanish children in the UK,
  • Ruta Quetzal,
  • resources held at Manchester University School of Language and Linguistics that you can borrow,
  • awards for Spanish Primary and Secondary School of the year
  • facilitating links between Local Authorities in UK and Ireland, and Consejerías de Educación of autonomous regions in Spain,
  • training British Council language assistants,
  • Spanish workshops
  • publications for Primary and Secondary including TECLA and Acti/España – published online

Check out their website for more information of the great work they do!

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