Today I was part of an ICT and Creativity in MFL day run by Links into Languages West Midlands at Aston University.
Below is my presentation about free tools that can be used to enhance language teaching and learning.
Today I was part of an ICT and Creativity in MFL day run by Links into Languages West Midlands at Aston University.
Below is my presentation about free tools that can be used to enhance language teaching and learning.
Thanks to @joedale, I picked up the news yesterday that Voki has a new service. I’ve never made any secret of my passion for these talking avatars and their uses for a variety of purposes, especially in the classroom.
The good news – classroom friendly, ad-free Voki
The bad news – you have to pay ‘ a small license fee’ per year
On balance, I’m not convinced of the benefits of paying $199 (which seems rather a lot to me) when I can use it perfectly adequately now for free.
However, I will await further details!
However, this news was accompanied by the realisation that there is a ‘featured Voki educator’ section on the Voki home page. And guess who features a the moment?
Oh yes – it’s me! If you want to see me in action, click here!
Very flattered! And wandering if they need a Voki poster girl…..? ;o)
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