Following on from my previous post, here are clips from the same series in French and German.
Following on from my previous post, here are clips from the same series in French and German.
I’ve just been reminded of these lovely videos that were part of a campaign to promote language learning.
On Tuesday I was in sunny (yes, it was sunny!) Manchester, delivering my AQA course.
Apart from the problems with the internet, I believe a good day was had by all – lunch was once more a highlight!
Rather than repeat all the links, can I refer you to my last post where you will find all the ‘new’ links about PLL, and also some recommendations from other delegates of sites and learning materials that they’ve found useful.
I forgot last week to put a link to a resource listing many many games and quick activities for the PLL classroom, so here it is.
It seems that some people are just incapable of getting *completely* into holiday mode and just can’t stop themselves from working!
Jo Rhys Jones is one of these mad people and over the last week or so she’s been populating her wonderful Talkabout Primary MFL NING with resources that she’s developed for a project to celebrate National Children’s Book Week.
So far she’s shared resources for the books
Je m’habille et je te croque…!
Lots of stuff there that can be used straight away or translated into Spanish, French, German or whatever other language you fancy. You can also take the ideas and use in English literacy.
I like Jo’s idea that this type of thing can be used as a transition project with KS3 working on materials to present to KS2 and KS1.
Feel free to add to Jo’s ideas – I know she’d be really pleased if you did – and share them back again.
And if you’re involved in ANY way in language learning with primary aged kids and aren’t a member of Talkabout Primary MFL, make sure you join. You’re missing out on so much!!
Another magnificent clip from Youtube – this time intended to explain the useage of SER and ESTAR – both meaning ‘to be’ in Spanish.
The rap made me smile – important when you’re feeling all bunged up with cold!
See what you think! (The rap starts at 55 seconds.)
They’ve made another rap called POR vs PARA – I think this one is better though!
Here’s another rap that ‘me chifla’ – this one is about personal descriptions.
Whilst mooching around Youtube, I came across this very very catchy rap for talking about your family in Spanish.
Easy to understand – it has subtitles too – and also easy to adapt for pupils to make up their own versions.
Via my Google Reader, I was led to the following book published on Scribd.
Over 300 pages of games and activities for use in the PLL classroom. What’s more, there are all mapped to the KS2 Framework objectives and helpfully split into sections for specific vocabulary areas, counting, literacy and language learning. Plus there are sections of vocabulary in Spanish French and German to support those who are less fluent.
Looks a brilliant resource to enhance the learning of languages at primary – and I’m sure there are a few secondary pupils who wouldn’t mind a nostalgic game of Duck duck goose once in a while?
Games and Activities for Primary Foreign Languages
PS I am checking re copyright as the author is not the one who uploaded it!
Today I was part of an ICT and Creativity in MFL day run by Links into Languages West Midlands at Aston University.
Below is my presentation about free tools that can be used to enhance language teaching and learning.
Here is the Slidecast of my second presentation from Brighton.
Apologies for the audio cutting out before the end – no idea what happened there! Perhaps the iRiver overheated!
Apologies to @wizenedcrone for forgetting her real name – it’s Fiona Joyce!!!
And the German site I mentioned was called GenkiGerman.
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