Youtube – Page 9 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: Youtube

Los Patata

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Just come across this lovely cuddly family – Los Patata on Youtube.

As the blurb says

Telemadrid emite todos los fines de semana, por la mañana, “Los Patata”, una serie infantil realizada con muñecos, dirigida a niños en edad preescolar. Estructurada en mini episodios, pretende entretener fomentando conocimientos, valores, respeto e igualdad de roles… Además, la familia Patata, cada noche invita a los niños a irse a la cama con la canción “Hasta mañana, un beso”. “Los Patata” también están a diario en la programación infantil de laOtra.

I love this goodnight song – very sweet and makes a change from Chris Jarvis on CBeebies with his mobile eyebrows telling us ‘The time has come to say goodnight….’

Here’s the short version-


On the day of his funeral, here’s Michael Jackson singing in Spanish. For a 2001 special edition of his “Bad” album, Jackson recorded “Todo mi amor eres tú,” a translated version of his hit “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You.” He performed it as a duet with Siedah Garrett.

(Thanks to for sharing this)

Today I took part in a Primary Language workshop at Plantsbrook School.

My contribution to the day was called You and Youtube and addressed the use of video and slideshows to facilitate and enhance primary language learning. Below is my presentation. If you click on the videos or the titles, they are all hyperlinked to their source. I’ve added a few of the clips I used as well.


Additionally, to address some of the questions posed:

I was asked a few questions about ANIMATION – can I direct you to Oscar Stringer’s wonderful site for guidance ideas and resources – particularly his useful PDF that gives directions on how to animate.

Putting SOUND in POWERPOINT – check out this post from the ubiquitous Joe Dale.

Good places to find RESOURCES – ready made – are Talkabout Primary MFL and TES Staffroom.

All my bookmarks are available to access here – so if you need some ideas on festivals, click on the link, then click on ‘festivals’ on the right hand side and you’ll find all the sites I’ve bookmarked.

PhotobucketI had the pleasure of delivering the Next steps in ICT for the Primary Language Classroom at University of Cumbria in Lancaster on Tuesday. I had delivered the same in Cambridge last month, and whilst the presentations were identical, the days were quite different with the delegates taking a greater lead this time in guiding where we went. That always keeps you on your toes!

Below are my presentations from the day – you can also find these on the event wiki which was set up for us to ‘play around’.

Thank you to my 6 ‘victims’ as I referred to them on Twitter; to my Tweetmates who responded to my request to say hello; and to CILT for giving me this opportunity to share my enthusiasm for ICT and Primary Languages with others.

On Tuesday I made my way to Cambridge for the second time in four days to deliver a day’s training on behalf of CILT at Anglia Ruskin University.

The course was entitled NEXT STEPS IN ICT FOR THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE CLASSROOM and promised to address collaborative working, whole class ICT, digital voicerecording and assessment amongst other things.

I had a lovely day with the delegates and hope that they all went away with one or to things to try out in their classrooms – there was great enthusiasm for wikis and Voki, and TTS should expect a few orders for their sound recording products in the near future – especially as I need a new Easispeak as I seem to have left mine behind :O(

I made a wiki for the event on which I’ve put all my presentations and also as a place for the delegates to ‘play around’ with using wikis. I did record the sessions – mostly!- but in the afternoon we went off at a tangent and the audio won’t fit my presentations so i won’t be making slidecasts of everything. However, I have put the presentations below as they are full of hyperlinks to useful resources.

Hope you find it useful!

And if you want to go on the course, it is repeated in Lancaster on 19th May. Contact CILT for more details!

NB the first slideshow actually starts on slide 18 as slide 22 was triggered to the first 20 slides as examples!

I’m a great fan of Pocoyo – just a shame that Stephen Fry doesn’t do the voiceover for the Spanish version. In the following video, Pocoyo encourages us to join in with La Hora del Planeta.

Tomorrow from 8.30-9.30pm is Earth Hour – when we are encouraged to switch off the lights and vote for the Earth.

A cute clip with a worthwhile message that little things – and little people! – can make a big difference.

Mike is back!

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For those of you who read my post a while back about the One Semester of Spanish Love song, you’ll be pleased to know that Mike hasn’t given up on wooing his ‘chica’. Now, with another semester (term) of Spanish behind him, and with a little help from a friend, he’s back with the Second Semester of Spanish Love Song.


Here’s my presentation from my Saturday session at the Primary Languages Show in Liverpool entitled You and Youtube.

The idea of the session was to give people ideas about how Youtube can be used in Primary Language Learning (PLL). We looked at alternatives to Youtube, how to use video clips if a site is blocked by downloading via one of a number of tools and of course, ideas of suitable clips to use and how they might be used to meet bjectives in the KS2 Framework.

As the movies included in my Keynote presentation were embedded, I have had to go back through the presentation and hyperlink to source sites. So if the title is not hyperlinked, click on the picture or black squarea nd you’ll be taken to the original!

Here are a couple of clips I showed that weren’t in the presentation.

spanish food song from janet wisner on Vimeo.

Activity ideas for use with the clips included:

  • dressing up in clothes/ finding the flashcard as a race during Juguemos en el bosque
  • holding up words – bateau, ciseau, la rivière, l’eau, or jigsaw texts in Bateau Ciseau
  • listen out for a phoneme in Bateau ciseau (‘eau’) or Shnuffel (ich)
  • respond to a Slideshare using Voicethread
  • rewrite a song eg La Vaca Lola
  • discuss cultural events – Semana Santa, German first day of school
  • look at everyday life in other countries
  • sing a long
  • watching peers and using clips for assessment eg El Carnaval de los animales
  • motivation – eg Baby Mario Mysteries

If you have any comments / questions, please feel free to leave them below, or e-mail me!

Here are a couple of movies of ideas from the first running of the Creativity in eTwinning workshop this morning.

The first shows some of the ideas raised about creativity and what it feels like to be creative.

The second are the reflections of the Sunglasses group on what they consider to be the ideal conditions for creativity to happen.

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