Uncategorized – Page 7 – ¡Vámonos!

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In a session at the moment led by @niiloa.

At the moment we’re playing with Todays Meet – anyone wanting to say hi to us can leave us a comment http://todaysmeet.com/etwnot

Next on the agenda is a discussion of the pros and cons of Facebook.  As a primary teacher, I don’t use it in class nor to communicate with pupils but I know there are arguments for using it with older pupils.

And onto Twitter – whoop!!!  Such a wonderful tool for learning, sharing and developing.

More later!

Today I presented twice at the Birmingham Primary Language Conference at Highbury Hall in Moseley.

My presentation, entitled Creative ICT in the PLL classroom, is below and, as soon as I have a spare moment, I’ll add the audio of my presentation as well.
Hampered by an internet connection that was, at best, flaky, I hope that I managed to explain even if I couldn’t show the sites and tools I recommended.

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments or using the contact form!

Creative ict

View more presentations from Lisa Stevens.
Also, here are a couple of ‘how to’ guides for Voki and wikispaces. Plus a list of examples of using some of these tools in teaching and learning.
(please note that these have my old blog URL on them.  You will be redirected here if you go there by accident though!)


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In my classroom, it’s ok to make mistakes. I encourage them – and I make enough of them to lead by example! I liked this poster.
4 October

And this one!
thought for the week (3)

I normally make Slideshares of my presentations and add the audio for Slidecasts.

However, the lovely @eyebeams was UStreaming the MFL Show and Tell from Nottingham today so I’m able to embed the video of my presentation!

Hope you find it useful.  Although my pupils are primary aged and some of the ideas are very ‘primary centric’, I think that there are many things that secondary colleagues can take and adapt to their situations.  teh fun doesn’t have to stop at the end of KS2, you know ;o)

Another Spanish football song – it’s the ubiquitous Gummibär with his football song.


Also available in other languages including French and Hungarian as well as separate English versions for the English/Australian and American fans!

Think they’ve missed a trick though – no vuvuzelas ;o)

I loved the official song of the FIFA World Cup 2010 when I first heard.  And I love  this bi-lingual version  with K’Naan, the original artist, singing with David Bisbal even more.

I’m posting two versions – the first, the video, and the second, the karaoke version with the words on screen.


Waving Flag de K´naan y David Bisbal
Give me freedom
Give me fire
give me reason
Take me higher
see the champions
take the field now
youll be fighters
make us feel proud
En las calles muchas manos
levantadas, celebrando
una fiesta sin descanzo
los paises como hermanos
Canta y une tu voz
grita fuerte que te escuche el sol
el partido ya va a comenzar
todos juntos vamos a ganar
Seremos grandes,
seremos fuertes
somos un pueblo
bandera de libertad
que viene y que va (x3)
when i get older
i will be stronger
theyll call me freedom
just like a wavin flag
Now wave your flag (x3)
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
Danos vida
danos fuego
que nos lleve a lo alto
campeones o vencidos
pero unidos a internarlos
In the streets
are exalted people
as we lose our inhibitions
celebretion is around us
every nation all around us
Singing forever young, singins
songs underneath the sun
lets rejoice to the beatuful game
and together at the end of day
Seremos grandes,
seremos fuertes
somos un pueblo
bandera de la libertad
que viene y que va (x3)
when i get older
i will be stronger
theyll call me freedom
just like a wavin flag
Now wave your flag (x3)
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
Seremos grandes,
seremos fuertes
somos un pueblo
bandera de la libertad
when i get older
i will be stronger
theyll call me freedom
just like a wavin flag
Now wave your flag (x3)
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
And everybody
will be singing

The Youtube page also explains –

El español David Bisbal y el somalí K´Naan interpretan la versión latina del tema Waving Flag, elegido para la Copa del Mundo FIFA Sudáfrica 2010.
La canción fue estrenada ayer, como parte de las celebraciones rumbo al Mundial.
“La música y el futbol unen al mundo, y a través de esta canción queremos contagiar el sentimiento de alegría que nos provoca este evento mundialista”, explicó el artista español, al referirse a la canción inspirada en costumbres africanas referentes a la fiesta, y que aborda temas como el amor, la unión y el optimismo.
El tema presenta pasajes en español e ingles y un video en el que se pueden ver las pocas habilidades futbolistas de Bisbal, quien lucha sin éxito dominar un balón.
La canción de la Copa del Mundo, Waving flag, fue compuesta por el rapero Knaan Mogasishu, quien nació en Somalia aunque es ciudadano canadiense.
La canción es el tercer single de su álbum Troubador y meses atrás fue elegida por la organización del Mundial como su himno oficial.

One of the two official World Cup songs here – sung by Shakira.

In Spanish!

Here’s the karaoke version!

Bet it’ll go down a treat with the kids at school!


And the official video here –


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