Thanks to a tip off by Jane Baybrook on MFLResources for this video.
Very catchy!
Thanks to a tip off by Jane Baybrook on MFLResources for this video.
Very catchy!
At the MFL Show and Tell on Saturday night, I shared this song from the UpToTen website.
It’s a very simple song that can easily be adapted to include any animal – or noun in fact! – and any verb.
For example –
Peux-tu marcher comme un éléphant?
Peux-tu sauter comme un robot?
Peux-tu manger comme un dinosaure?
I’ve captured the song from the site here in case you can’t get online – Peux-tu marcher comme un canard
Having just watched Les Mis 25 years old, I feel inspired to post some videos from the Spanish version –
Sale el sol (One day more)
Sálvalo (Bring him home)
Soné una vida (I dreamed a dream)
And an amazing clip of 17 multi-national Jean Valjean’s singing Can you hear the people sing?
A lovely app for iPad from Kumquat in Argentina, featuring Christmas carols in Spanish. Beautifully and quirkily illustrated, you can choose whether you want them sung to you, or if you’d rather sing them yourself! Although it’s possible to access many of these tunes on the web, I think it’s well worth £1.79 as you get everything in one place – lyrics (which highlight as they are sung), sound files and illustration!
Shame I discovered it too late to use in school, but I know it’ll be a hit as my ‘testing panel’ love it!
¡Feliz Navidad!
Screenshots from the app.
Perhaps this one will prove more useful at the moment!
A very catchy Christmas carol about the Wise Men arriving at the stable in Bethlehem.
Click the image to access the song with subtitles, or go here for the lyrics.
A Colombian Old MacDonald called Tío Ramón.
You know the drill – click the picture and it’ll take you to the song!
And thank to 123SpanishTogether for the wonderful songs!
Another subtitled video – for those of you still hanging on to Autumn!
Hojas, hojas, again from 123SpanishTogether, is a lovely simple song about falling leaves and colours.
Click the photo and it’ll take you to the subtitled video.
I’ve just had a go at sub titling one of my favourite Spanish kiddies song – La Vaca Lola.
What do you think?
I used a tool called Universal Subtitles that allows you to subtitle videos in a variety of formats. Looks rather interesting – and useful!
I can’t seem to make it embed in WordPress so here’s the link!
30 minutes later – I’ve done another one – here’s Juguemos en el bosque.
Here are some short clips of British children’s programmes in Spanish. A familiar context is useful in language learning, and it’s always fun to see what the familiar sounds like in another language!
First of all, here’s Pat, el Cartero.
And then there’s Noddy!
And finally from El jardín de los sueños, Makka Pakka.
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