October 29, 2012 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: October 29, 2012

I’m having a bit of a Storybird ‘splurge’ at the moment. It’s my chosen form of relaxation this week!

So here are two I’ve just written with the QCA Unit Yo soy músico in mind (see here for a previous post on this unit and here for a fun activity we did using Twitter!). Two becasue one is very simple with phrases using tocar plus an instrument e.g. Toco la flauta, whilst the second adds a frequency phrase to the sentence e.g. Toco el piano cada miércoles; Toco la guitarra a menudo etc. I guess i could write a third version adding even more detail…

Me gusta la música on Storybird

A veces toco un instrumento. on Storybird

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