video – Page 3 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: video

Very challenging video that I’ve seen all over, but originally on JessMcCulloch’s blog.


A Storybird as a movie!

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Following a Twitter conversation this afternoon started by @josepicardo, I remembered that I had taken screen shots of all my Storybirds and made them into Keynote presentations.

Whilst I can export them to Powerpoint quite easily if they are just images, I had recorded narration on one of them, and this would not transfer. So, I exported it as a Quicktime movie – and here it is!
I’ll be making more ‘movies’ with my other Storybirds soon!
In the meantime, you can check out lots of language Storybirds here on a wiki started by @wizenedcrone.

Following on from my previous post about rediscovering Seesmic, another friend, John Warwick, asked me to share a little bit about eTwinning in the primary language classroom for an eTwinning presentation he was preparing. I decided to record him my answer as it’s easier to explain in person and I also thought it might be useful too! So here it is!

If you want to find out more, see my Slideshare and post here.

A while back – actually nearly two years ago – I became aware of a tool called Seesmic on which you could record video clips and others could respond by recording their own short clip. At the time, I used it to join in a few conversations and also to practice speaking Catalan / Mallorquin after a looong break. It was easy to do and fun as well.

I was asked last week by Chris Fuller to make a short video sharing my thoughts on using Twitter in the languages classroom and why it’s such a good idea in my opinion for a presentation he’s doing soon.
As I was home alone, I had to do it in a way that didn’t involve another person filming me, and my hand is unsteady at the best of times! I had never used the film option on Photobooth, and I was also concerned about delivering it to Chris via email in case the file was too large.
I had picked up a tweet at about the same time from Leon Cych asking for volunteers to be involved in a project this year called Remixing Education, and one of his methods of ‘recruiting’ was via Seesmic.
So, having been reminded of the existence of this site, and having recorded a response for Leon, I decided to use it to record my clip for Chris.
It’s very easy! Once you’ve signed up for an account, you press Create a video and start talking into your webcam (iSight camera in my case). Once you’ve finished you can review the recording and start again if you’re not happy. It’s then posted on the site – you can choose whether to allow it to appear on the public timeline or just to keep it on your page.
Once finished, I sent the URL and embed code off to Chris so that he could use the clip as he wished, editing it etc to his purposes.
I thought that would be that, but the ever eagle eyed king of RSS feeds, Joe Dale, picked up the clip on his radar and, having ascertained why I’d posted a clip to some mysterious ‘Chris’, blogged it!
And then I was astonished to receive a lovely response from a lady in Anaheim, USA who had seen the clip and wanted to tell me how good it was! A wonderful surprise and so exciting for someone unrelated to my life – real and virtual (Twitter, my blog etc) – to make such comments about my thoughts and ‘work’.
We all need a bit of encouragement sometimes, so thanks to Joe and Freida for giving me some to keep me going when I’m seizing up with all this cold ;o)

Happy New Year to all readers of ¡Vámonos!

I’ll leave it to ABBA to say it in Spanish!


Yo ? Pocoyo

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Given my love of Pocoyo and the imminent festivities, I just had to share this clip with you.


Teachers TV


Last June I spent a very enjoyable but also very tiring day being filmed by Teachers TV. The premise of the series of which my programme was to be a part was that an ‘expert’ in an area of ICT was visited by an interested / curious ‘beginner’. The ‘beginner’ observed the ‘expert’ for a day then went back to their school to try out some of the things they had learned. My area was ‘online communities / social media’ and my visitor, Marie Guyomarc’h, a secondary French teacher.

Yesterday saw the premiere of the programme – I came downstairs at 8am to discover my children laughing their heads off as they watched. Thankfully, not all viewers were as amused and I received some lovely tweets from people who had seen the programme either online or on TV.
If you want to watch, you can access the video here where you can also find lesson plans and further tips on the area.
So, watch and see – will you join my boys laughing at me or will you find it even a little bit helpful?

I’m a great fan of Pocoyo – just a shame that Stephen Fry doesn’t do the voiceover for the Spanish version. In the following video, Pocoyo encourages us to join in with La Hora del Planeta.

Tomorrow from 8.30-9.30pm is Earth Hour – when we are encouraged to switch off the lights and vote for the Earth.

A cute clip with a worthwhile message that little things – and little people! – can make a big difference.

Yesterday I ran in my first ever running race. At Teachmeet on January I stood up in front of a room full of people and told them what I’d been doing in my classroom with technology.

If you’d told me a year ago that’s what I’d be doing in January 2009, I would have laughed. Lots.

But, as I entitled my Teachmeet presentation – What a difference a year makes!

Below is what I said at Teachmeet, along with links to the work we’ve done (omitted to show any of it on the night as I was so nervous!)

Lisa Stevens (lisibo) @ TeachMeet BETT from Learn4Life on Vimeo.

Our wiki is and our school website

And, bless him, this is what Drew Buddie said about me!

Last one of two bits of feedback from TeachMeet at EatMeet from Learn4Life on Vimeo.

And here’s the last 50m of the race in Sutton Park yesterday. It was a handicap race, with each participant estimating how long it would take them to run 5km. We were then set off that amount of time before 1a so in theory we should all have arrived in a bunch together. As it was, I finished in 26 minutes 46 seconds which was 14 seconds off my estimate, and won a prize as I was 5th nearest! Ironically, if I hadn’t had to stop on the final corner because I was heaving s much, I wouldn’t have won anything because I’d have been too fast.

So – what will you be doing this time next year? You never know!

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