#TMETRU – ¡Vámonos!

Category: #TMETRU

If you missed last night’s Teachmeet EdTechRoundup, never fear! You can catch up by watching the archived stream.

The stream has been split into 12 parts – my bit is mostly at the end of episode 3 with a short bit (sadly cut short by being camelled) and follow on in episode 4 . I’ve embedded those episodes below – the rest can be found here. Well worth watching – loads of interesting presentations; something for everyone :o)

Twitter feed is here.
And Flickr photos of participants are here.

This evening I will presenting at Teachmeet EdTechRoundup on the above subject, sharing how I use sound recording in my classroom and suggesting why it is such a valuable tool.

Here are some references / notes that go with what I will (might?) say!
Easispeak microphones – from TTS – also other speaking and listening tools such a
s talking postcards and talking photoalbums.
Audacity – free and downloadable from here
Garageband (for Macs)
Podomatic – a free place to create and listen to podcasts
My school Podomatic podcast – WCPS Spanish
My own Podomatic podcast – Lisibo talks!
And we’re on iTunes too!
Voki – we love Voki at WCPS!
Voicethread – another great tool for using sound recording in learning.
Here’s one I made to give people an idea of how they work!
Our school wikispace- WCPS.wikispaces.com – giving examples of use in other areas of the curriculum eg RE, Literacy.
Relevant blogposts on ¡Vámonos!

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  • peer support
  • confidence
  • independence
  • relevance
  • fun
You can watch it live here and learn from a vast array of people who will be sharing what goes on in the classroom.

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