[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clRBpAv5HgM&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clRBpAv5HgM&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1]
A lovely Christmas song, written by José Luis Perales and performed here by Los Toribianitos, and today brought to my attention by one of my online friends, Francisco Meza in Perú.
Mientras haya en la tierra un niño feliz
mientras haya una hoguera para compartir
mientras haya unas manos que trabajen en paz
mientras haya una estrella, habrá Navidad.
Mientras haya unos labios que hablen de amor
mientras haya unas manos cuidando una flor
mientras haya un futuro hacia donde ir,
mientras haya ternura, habrá Navidad
Mientras haya un vencido, dispuesto a olvidar
mientras haya un caído a quien levantar
mientras haya una guerra y se duerma un cañón
mientras cure un herido, habrá Navidad
Fuente: musica.comLetra añadida por el bruno
José Luis Perales
I’ve been having a little look at Youtube resources again, and, inspired by the session last week on teaching Infants languages, I’ve found some sweet little videos featuring Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too! Now, Winnie is always a winner in my books – I just love that bear of very little brain! – but talking Spanish is even better.
The words are:
Estrellita ¿cómo estás?
me preguntas ¿qué serás?
en el cielo brillas tu
como un diamante es tu luz.
Estrellita ¿cómo estas?
me preguntas ¿qué serás?
Lindo lampi ¿cómo estás?
No te quejes; duerme ya
La noche es para soñar
Pon su trompa, descansar.
Qué se acabe mal humor
y no ronques por favor.
Lindo lampi ¿cómo estás?
Es mejor que duermas ya
Then there’s this clip called Es la hora de pensar and is a little song to signal thinking time. I think it would be a lovely cue to send children to their desks to work on whatever they are doing, or as a signal to change activity. And not just in language lessons but as one of those ’embedded’ ways of making language an everyday, incidental thing.
Hope you like them!
Here’s one for your older ‘pop’ loving pupils. The Jonas Brothers of Disney Channel fame learning a (devilishly tricky it has to be said!) song – and not doing badly!
And here’s Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical singing When there was you and me including a Spanish section in the middle – subtitled.
Very sweet – love the graphics. And it’s short too.
I like the repetition in this one.
Whilst writing an article on storytelling for a future publication, I found a song I’d downloaded to which I wanted to refer. As often happens, I couldn’t recall whether I’d been sent it by a friend, downloaded it from a fora or found it online.
After a bit of searching – which took me once more to the wonderful West Sussex GFL language resources – I found that it had come from a site called MrsJonesRoom. When I approached the eponymous MrsJones for permission to use the song, she was very accomodating and pointed me towards other Spanish resources on her page.
I’ve had a look at some of the links and particularly like the downloadable mini books and the songs, complete with sound files of the tunes! There are even some Spanish Disney songs – great for EDL? Sadly there are a number of ‘dead’ links which is a shame but it’s well worth a look.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgmu3PtJVNY&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1]
With all sorts of bugs doing the rounds at the moment, here’s another little gem that is
c)useful and topical.
El Barrio Sésamo in Mexico has made this little video to encourage children to wash their hands and advises them to sing part of the song ‘Pin Pon’ to help them judge how long it should take.
So let’s see if the sinks will be ringing to the sound of children singing and washing…;o)
Just come across this lovely cuddly family – Los Patata on Youtube.
As the blurb says
Telemadrid emite todos los fines de semana, por la mañana, “Los Patata”, una serie infantil realizada con muñecos, dirigida a niños en edad preescolar. Estructurada en mini episodios, pretende entretener fomentando conocimientos, valores, respeto e igualdad de roles… Además, la familia Patata, cada noche invita a los niños a irse a la cama con la canción “Hasta mañana, un beso”. “Los Patata” también están a diario en la programación infantil de laOtra.
I love this goodnight song – very sweet and makes a change from Chris Jarvis on CBeebies with his mobile eyebrows telling us ‘The time has come to say goodnight….’
Here’s the short version-
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp0k45cYwu4&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6&border=1]
Can’t believe I haven’t blogged for nearly a fortnight! Blame reports, three presentations and a morning of preliminary meetings / observation with TeachersTV in one week, and a short break in Spain!
There will be more posts soon, but to keep you going, here’s another of the reasons I’ve not being blogging recently. Enjoy!
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