ICT – Page 6 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: ICT

I was privileged to be asked to speak at the Primary Language Show once more this year. Having presented last year on El Carnaval de los Animales and You and Youtube, this year I had two new topics on which to speak.

The first of my presentations was entitled

Audaciously using Voices to make Voki!

During the session I aimed to explain how Audacity, Voki and Voicethread work, and how they can be used to enhance learning in the Primary Language Classroom. I gave examples from my classroom, made a Voki there and then and also drew ideas from others including Esther Mercier and Royds School.

Below is a Slidecast of my presentation, and here’s a link to further resources to help you – a guide to making Voki, embedding on a Wiki and notes on all 3 tools – and others – including tutorials!

Hope you find them of use.

All a bit topsy turvy I guess, reporting on a course I ran on Tuesday after a presentation I did today but heigh ho!

Tuesday saw me heading across the city – or actually around it on the M6 lead by my motorway crazy SatNav- to Hillcrest School where I was delivering a day of training for Primary Language teachers on ICT in the Primary Language Classroom.
It was a really good day from my point of view with lovely food – bacon sandwiches for coffee break! – a great venue and marvellous enthusiastic delegates. And the added bonus of a visit to the Lingua centre at lunchtime.
To save on paper and also because I think online notes are more useful – click the link rather than type it in makes more sense to me – I made a wiki for the day on which all the notes, presentations and some of the outcomes are posted. I think that’s the way to go – what do you think?

I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking at the Education Show today. I volunteered myself, admittedly, but I hardly thought they’d say yes! I’d attended a previous seminar there and had been rather unimpressed and thought ‘I could do better!’ – so I put my money where my mouth is – and hope I succeeded.

Below is my presentation which will shortly become a Slidecast once I’ve managed to find the time to download and edit the audio.
Comments and queries welcome :o)
Top tips for absorbing language learning

View more presentations from Lisa Stevens.
PS Thanks to @StephenDoBe for the simultaneous tweeting, and to my all the Twittermates who tweeted multilingual greetings to my audience!

I’m a WebFox!

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Yesterday I took a Web Behaviour Test as part of BBC’s The Virtual Revolution – investigating how 20 years of the web has changed our lives.

I was asked questions about my Internet useage, how much time I spent online and doing what, how much ‘multi tasking’ I did and my response to a number of statements.
Would I be a bear, an elephant, an octopus, a hedgehog, a fox, an elk, a leopard or an ostrich?
My result is below – not a bad appraisal. Why not take the test and see which animal you are!

If you like to know what this quiz is hoping to achieve, check out what the scientists say.

Technology in Modern Foreign Languages – A practitioner’s perspective is a post by José Picardo in which he announces the online publication of a series of blog posts that originally appeared on his blog Box of Tricks over December/January, written by a wide variety of language practitioners about their experiences of and advice for using technology in the MFL classroom.

If you didn’t read the original posts, they’re well worth a read (even the one I wrote!) – and now they’re downloadable in one go.

Reason 2 – TeachMeet #TMBETT10
One of my main reasons for excitement about BETT is not the exhibition itself but the Teachmeet that follows after hours!
This year will be my third Teachmeet, and I am really looking forward to the experience this time.
The first year I was overawed and felt insignificant but inspired to do something to rid myself of that feeling.
Last year I was excited but also a little nervous as I wondered if I really did have anything worthwhile to say to this crowd of people about technology. It seems that I did as my seven minutes went down well and were described in rather lovely terms by @digitalmaverick. Such a sweetie!
This year, I’ve once more volunteered to speak. My title – ‘What Lisibo did next’
You’ll have to wait and see what I say this year but here are last year’s words of ‘wisdom’.
If you’re interested in joining in, you can attend in person (along with the other 177 who are signed up) by signing the wiki, (you don’t have to speak!!) and if you can’t attend in person, there’s a Flashmeeting you can join (URL to follow!)
And, whilst I’m unable to join in either event (due to the third reason why I’m excited about BETT) there are free events of Wednesday and Thursday night too.

One week on from the Language Show at Kensington Olympia, here’s my presentation entitled

SURVIVING THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. Not a title I would necessarily chosen as, to me, it implies that teaching languages is some sort of ordeal which is, for most of us, far from the truth.
I hope you enjoy the Slidecast – complete with kids and noisy neighbours. And if you want to listen whilst shopping, there’s the podcast of my talk on Lisibo talks!
A couple of things I skipped;
Firstly, a great tip for PLL is making links via something like eTwinning – http://etwinning.net – find out more here and check out my Slidecast here.
Secondly, I mentioned Oscar Stringer’s animation workshops but didn’t explicitly mention his upcoming workshop in London on 13th November –

This one-day course will give you the opportunity to gain knowledge and hands on experience using the latest software and hardware. Use the course as an opportunity to get to know your own equipment, bring laptops and cameras with you if you wish.

You will learn tips and tricks for getting great results quickly in the classroom, ideas to take back and use with your class as well as teaching resources designed to kick start animation projects.

For: Teachers in KS 1,2, 3 and 4 (ICT coordinators, Art and Media Studies Teachers.)

Cost: £130.00 + VAT Includes a CD of your work with teacher’s resources and lunch.

Times: 9.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

All enquiries to Oscar Stringer, Tel: 07974 764 849 or Email oscar@animationforeducation.co.uk.

And don’t forget that you can download forms for ICanAnimate and Hue HD webcam from his site.

Any questions, please feel free to contact me!

I’ve spent some time over the weekend doing something that I find rather uncomfortable – listening to my own voice! Whilst it is much better than watching myself on video, I find myself cringeing at the sound of my accent and speech habits. In my head I don’t sound like that – my ‘self-image voice’ speaks much more ‘properly’ and sounds less Brummie!

So why do it? Well, I was catching up with editing the audio from my presentations at two recent conferences – in Hull and in Basingstoke, Hampshire – before adding it to my podcast. I kept reminding myself that I wouldn’t have to listen again once I’d finished, and then remembered that I’d have to listen one more time to synch the audio to my Slideshares to make Slidecasts.

So – I’m pleased to announce three new episodes of my podcast Lisibo talks! But does it make sense?

You’ll also find that my Slideshares in previous posts on Hull Primary Language Conference an
d Hampshire Language Conference are now Slidecasts with the audio added.
So, I hope my agony was worthwhile and that people will have a listen and perhaps learn from the presentations – even if it is how to talk Brummie ;o)

Storybird – update!


Further to my previous post about the wonderful STORYBIRD site, I’ve got good news and bad news!

The bad news is that, as the site is still in its infancy, if your story is written in a language other than English it cannot be published (ie put in the public gallery) as it cannot be moderated. As the site grows, this will change.
The good news is that you can still write stories and save them on the site, and that these can be shared via the ‘Send to a friend’ link.
Saira Ghani has just written a story too and I’m about to write another.
Here’s the Tweet conversation I had with @storybird
So let’s keep making stories and hope that the site grows at an amazing rate!

As Jo Rhys-Jones kindly pointed out last night, in all my blogging I have failed to post my own presentation!

My session was entitled Exciting ICT for the Language Classroom and looked at (mainly free) ICT tools that can be used to enhance and support language learning. The Internet played ball this week which is always a bonus, and I hope that everyone who attended went away with at least one idea that they could implement in their classroom.
Below is my presentation to which I’ve added the audio so you can watch and listen! Aren’t you lucky?!

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