christmas – Page 2 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: christmas

A lovely app for iPad from Kumquat in Argentina, featuring Christmas carols in Spanish.  Beautifully and quirkily illustrated, you can choose whether you want them sung to you, or if you’d rather sing them yourself! Although it’s possible to access many of these tunes on the web, I think it’s well worth £1.79 as you get everything in one place – lyrics (which highlight as they are sung), sound files and illustration!

Shame I discovered it too late to use in school, but I know it’ll be a hit as my ‘testing panel’ love it!

¡Feliz Navidad!

Screenshots from the app.

This clip combines two of my favourite things  – Spanish and iOS devices.

Made completely on iOS devices like iPhones, iPods and iPhones, here is NorthPoint Community Church wishing you a Merry Christmas.  Funky and fun!


And here’s more Christmas music from the same place if you enjoyed that.

Another version of the Christmas story – this time, an animation with audio and songs, focussing on the story of Mary and Joseph.


I’ve been having another play with Universal Subtitles.  Still can’t embed the videos into my WordPress blog but all is not lost!
Here’s a very simple song about a snowman that comes from 123SpanishTogether.  i’ve subtitled it so that Reception class can use it without me!
Click the picture and you’ll go to the video!

Advent treats!

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Thought I’d highlight two great treats for Advent from two inspirational people.

Firstly, Mandy Barrow of the world famous Woodlands Junior School in Kent has produced an online World Advent calendar with details of Christmas around the world.  Each day you can open a new door and find out about Christmas traditions from other countries, and find the answers to questions like

How does red-suited Santa survive in the heat of a Brazilian summer?
In what country is Pavlova a popular Christmas dessert?

At Whitehouse Common, we’re going to use it to increase our ICU each day, and hopefully discover some things that we didn’t know before!

The second Advent treat is from Mark Pentleton at Radio Lingua Network who has made a Festive Phrase advent calendar. Behind each door is a short enhanced podcast  teaching a festive phrase and also giving information about the language, speakers and where it is spoken.  Can’t wait to find out if he’s doing Icelandic!  Another great opportunity to increase the breadth of experience of our pupils in terms of language, knowledge about the world and understanding of others.

¡Felices Reyes!

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As we’re all taking down our Christmas decorations and enjoying the snow, (well, we are here having been granted a snow day!) in Spain and Mexico, children have been receiving their presents this morning, left for them by Los Reyes Magos.

So, to all of you, ¡Felices Reyes!

Here is a video of last year’s celebrations in Madrid. Enlightening and well worth using in class to show children what happens.

Here’s the start of an animated film from Mexico about Los Reyes Magos.

And not forgetting the hilarious clip I shared last year!

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