lisibo – Page 73 – ¡Vámonos!

Author: lisibo

Mrs Jones room


Whilst writing an article on storytelling for a future publication, I found a song I’d downloaded to which I wanted to refer. As often happens, I couldn’t recall whether I’d been sent it by a friend, downloaded it from a fora or found it online.

After a bit of searching – which took me once more to the wonderful West Sussex GFL language resources – I found that it had come from a site called MrsJonesRoom. When I approached the eponymous MrsJones for permission to use the song, she was very accomodating and pointed me towards other Spanish resources on her page.

I’ve had a look at some of the links and particularly like the downloadable mini books and the songs, complete with sound files of the tunes! There are even some Spanish Disney songs – great for EDL? Sadly there are a number of ‘dead’ links which is a shame but it’s well worth a look.

Just back from 11 days in Switzerland. Had a great time with my family exploring and investigating, and have to say that I am missing the mountains and lakes already. Absolutely stunning! My photos don’t really do justice to the beauty of Interlaken and the surrounding area but here are a few of my favourites.

Wondering what’s happening following the Comenius network ceased to be in April?

TeacherNet have interviewed Professor Mike Kelly, Director of the Links into Languages programme.

During the interview he explains

  • what Links into Languages is
  • how it aims to link up the provision of Professional Development
  • the Linked Up scheme
  • the aim of Routes into Languages to foster a more ‘joined up’ approach to language teaching and learning
  • the funding and organisational structure
  • transition from KS2 to KS3
  • accreditation including the Linked Up award scheme

You can watch the interview here and read the transcript too.
And also check out the Links into Languages site itself to find out more.


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Thanks to the above tweet I’ve found this song that won’t stay out of my head.

A lovely summer feel good song.

Hope you enjoy it too!


The bell went at 3.20pm and another year of teaching was over.
I was enthusiastically hugged by 26 Reception pupils before making my way to the Juniors’ building to be hugged and wet by the profuse tears of Year 6 and cheerfully ‘Adiós-ed’ by the Years 3-5.

What to do in the holidays? Well, I’ve got a to do list as long as my arm, beginning with a monumental tidy up and clean out of our home (boys, you’ve been warned!). It includes lots of laminating and preparing resources as well as preparing some of the presentations I’ve been asked to do before Christmas (very excitingly, there are several!), and completing some consultancy stuff too. And blogging.

And of course, I’ll be spending lots of time with my family (boys, you’ve been warned!!)

I read the above Tweet and decided to investigate.

It took me to Building Peace, the blog of Reach364, a Captain in the US Airforce and C-17 pilot, and a post that begins with a question –

Why should American military officers learn foreign languages? For that matter, why should Foreign Service Officers or any other representatives of the American government?

And whilst the context of the article is military, considering the situation in Afghanistan and Jordan, the comments Reach makes are relevant to language learning in general, not just in volatile situations.

Acknowledging that advances in technology and translation software mean that people can ‘talk’ to one another without being able to speak the language, Reach makes the following statement –

I still believe learning human languages the old fashioned way is important. Why? This is the crux: foreign language ability is not just about converting information from one format to another. It’s about human relationships.

He talks of language as ‘a way of building relationships, of winning trust.‘ Couldn’t agree more. How many times have I been met with a beaming smile and extra special attention because I spoke in Spanish, French, Catalan, or even when I attempted to speak German in Switzerland? I see it as a mark of respect to attempt to communicate in someone’s language, even if it is a job to get your mouth around the sounds and intonation. I’ve mentioned before that some of my favourite and most rewarding teaching experiences have been when pupils have led, sharing their experiences and language with joy and pride – and been amused by my efforts!

As Nelson Mandela said –

Reach concludes –

Language is extremely hard. We need as many language solutions as we can get, and technology certainly can and should help fill the gap. But no matter how good the technology gets, no matter how prevalent English becomes, old-fashioned speaking of a foreign language still matters.

Certainly with him there.

What do you think?

I received notification a few days ago that the latest edition of the Primary languages ezine is available on the Primary Languages website.
All about cross curricular links this time, Ruth Churchill from CILT says-

articles include integrating languages with work on mini beasts, keeping fit, growing sunflowers and music. There are also features on CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) from the University of Nottingham’s Dr Philip Hood and a research project involving French and the Tudors. All this with the latest news and resources.

Visit the primary languages website to read the latest issues online and find out how to subscribe to automatically receive future issues for free:

Lots there to give you ideas ready for September – and links to more advice and ideas if you can’t get enough!


With all sorts of bugs doing the rounds at the moment, here’s another little gem that is
c)useful and topical.

El Barrio Sésamo in Mexico has made this little video to encourage children to wash their hands and advises them to sing part of the song ‘Pin Pon’ to help them judge how long it should take.

So let’s see if the sinks will be ringing to the sound of children singing and washing…;o)

Los Patata

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Just come across this lovely cuddly family – Los Patata on Youtube.

As the blurb says

Telemadrid emite todos los fines de semana, por la mañana, “Los Patata”, una serie infantil realizada con muñecos, dirigida a niños en edad preescolar. Estructurada en mini episodios, pretende entretener fomentando conocimientos, valores, respeto e igualdad de roles… Además, la familia Patata, cada noche invita a los niños a irse a la cama con la canción “Hasta mañana, un beso”. “Los Patata” también están a diario en la programación infantil de laOtra.

I love this goodnight song – very sweet and makes a change from Chris Jarvis on CBeebies with his mobile eyebrows telling us ‘The time has come to say goodnight….’

Here’s the short version-

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