lisibo – Page 67 – ¡Vámonos!

Author: lisibo

Wondering if any of you would like to add to a debate I’m having at the moment re QCA schemes for KS2. I’m trying to help someone choose the best way to present materials on a site to satisfy as many Primary MFL teachers as possible. Having drawn their attention to the KS2 Framework and the QCA units and their thematic and skills rather than topic based approach, they’re now in a quandary as to how to best present things.

In your experience, do teachers tend to still take a topic based approach?

Are people using the QCA schemes?

They’ve just been updated – how long do you think their shelf life will be?

And, here’s a tricky one! – do you think if we get a change of government that the policy and therefore Framework / SoW will get changed again?

If you were planning resources with the aim of them being used universally, would you go for topic based approach or would you choose a number of themes loosely based on the QCA schemes of work, covering a number of topics, and follow their order to get the progression through the years right.

Any insights more than welcome. You can leave comments or contact me privately if you’d rather!

Gracias xx

¡Felices Reyes!

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As we’re all taking down our Christmas decorations and enjoying the snow, (well, we are here having been granted a snow day!) in Spain and Mexico, children have been receiving their presents this morning, left for them by Los Reyes Magos.

So, to all of you, ¡Felices Reyes!

Here is a video of last year’s celebrations in Madrid. Enlightening and well worth using in class to show children what happens.

Here’s the start of an animated film from Mexico about Los Reyes Magos.

And not forgetting the hilarious clip I shared last year!

I’ve set myself a challenge for 2010.

It has nothing to do with languages nor ICT, well, not really.
It has more to do with my mental wellbeing, and doing something different.
I love trees and find them beautiful and intriguing. Looking at trees makes me feel calm and secure. And recently I’ve been taking lots of photographs of trees.
So – my challenge – to take a photo of a tree every day for a year.
I’ll be publishing them on Flickr in my set Trees365 but I’ve also started a new blog called Trees365 on which I will publish them with, I hope, a slightly longer comment.
I’d love your comments and advice!

Thanks to the BBC Mundo site for this multilingual greetings clip.

Un saludo diferente. La BBC celebra la llegada del 2010 en todas las lenguas en que su Servicio Mundial transmite programas de radio y publica páginas web.

El siguiente es el orden en que aparecen en el video: inglés, persa, uzbeko, swahili, ucraniano, birmano, ruso, bengalí, dari, árabe, portugués, mandarín, francés, cingalés, pashtún, azeri, serbio, hindi, indonesio, nepalí, kirundi, vietnamita, macedonia, somalí, tamil, kirguís, urdu, albanés, turco, cantonés, hausa y español.

Happy New Year to all readers of ¡Vámonos!

I’ll leave it to ABBA to say it in Spanish!


When I checked my counter this morning, it read 29,927. That set me wondering if I could possibly reach 30,000 by midnight to end the year off on a ’round number’!

I tweeted at one o’clock-

and then again (after prompting for a URL!) at 2 o’clock by which time I’d had another 30 hits!

I then went out to play in the park with my kids – resulting in ‘más morados en el culo’ – and was alerted by @wizenedcrone to my achievement :

Thanks to Fiona for taking the screenshot at the top and for alerting the world to my mishaps!

But joking aside, as the year draws to a close, I want to thank you for travelling with me through 2009 which has been quite a year – exciting, scary, inspiring, stressful, successful and unforgettable.

Gracias amigos xx
PS to my reader in Kazakstan – are you Borat?? To my Icelandic reader – can I come and visit? And to my reader in he Aland Islands – welcome – I must find out where they are!!
Lisa xxx
PS as I publish this, my counter stands at 30,087. Thanks for enthusiastically hitting me xx

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

Sebastian 18#365, originally uploaded by Camino Z.

“In Spain, on New Year Eve, we eat 12 grapes at the sound of the 12 last strokes of the year… one stroke, one grape, one stroke, one grape…

Thanks Camino Z for this!

Here’s another gem – this time brought to my attention by Richard Mayor at Holy Cross Primary in Walmley.
If you have any favourites, perhaps you’d like to share them in the comments below? I’m getting quite into this poster making malarky! ;o)

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