lisibo – Page 57 – ¡Vámonos!

Author: lisibo

Ser vs Estar rap


Another magnificent clip from Youtube – this time intended to explain the useage of SER and ESTAR – both meaning ‘to be’ in Spanish.

The rap made me smile – important when you’re feeling all bunged up with cold!

See what you think! (The rap starts at 55 seconds.)


They’ve made another rap called POR vs PARA – I think this one is better though!

I was speaking in Brighton about the wonders of Youtube several weeks ago, and showed one of my favourite videos – Conjugations Back. if you haven’t seen it, you’ve missed a treat! Check it out NOW!

Then there was Cry me a verb Some great dancing in this one!

Well, today I think I found another gem.

SrMara strikes again – this time with reflexive verbs.


Great punchline!  And the hair!

I’m on a roll of finding little gems on Youtube!

Here’s an alphabet rap in Spanish – and it has a section on vowels too which I particularly like.


Whilst mooching around Youtube, I came across this very very catchy rap for talking about your family in Spanish.

Easy to understand – it has subtitles too – and also easy to adapt for pupils to make up their own versions.


Via my Google Reader, I was led to the following book published on Scribd.

Over 300 pages of games and activities for use in the PLL classroom.  What’s more, there are all mapped to the KS2 Framework objectives and helpfully split into sections for specific vocabulary areas, counting, literacy and language learning.  Plus there are sections of vocabulary in Spanish French and German to support those who are less fluent.

Looks a brilliant resource to enhance the learning of languages at primary – and I’m sure there are a few secondary pupils who wouldn’t mind a nostalgic game of Duck duck goose once in a while?
Games and Activities for Primary Foreign Languages

PS I am checking re copyright as the author is not the one who uploaded it!


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I’m currently having a marvellous time playing with my new iPad and finding new apps for it, and my iPhone, so I thought I’d share one I like at the moment.

I’m starting with one that’s great on an iPod Touch or an iPhone – Newshound from Linguascope.

It’s an app that captures the news feed from Yahoo in French, Italian, German, French and English, allows you to browse the headlines, shows the first few sentences so you can decide if you want to read on, then takes you to the Yahoo article if it floats your boat!

I rarely get time to check the headlines online in English let alone Spanish, French or any other language, so having this on my iPhone allows me to check when I have a spare moment.

And if your school is lucky enough to have some iPodTouches, I’d definitely get this onto them.

Best bit – it’s free!

Looking at word clouds today during the course I was delivering, I came across these wonderful topical word clouds.

Like them?

This one is about a certain psychic sea creature…..

And this one is – well, this is one is ‘lo mejor’ ;o)

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