May 13, 2011 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: May 13, 2011

Next week three staff from my school – including me! – are off to Barcelona for our third visit as part of the Comenius Reggio project between Birmingham and Barcelona. We’ll be visiting our partner school, Els Pins, as well as collecting resources, ideas and experiences for Whitehouse Common.

Whilst we’re there, we’re looking forward to meeting lots of people, including Miquel who works for the Consorçi de Educacció and who visited school last year.
You may recall that about this time last year I came over all excited about Miquel’s hobby and had a little go at making “human castles” or castells myself.  See photos below!

Here’s the post I wrote afterwards and another later in the year.  Also on my school website here and here.  It’s not something you should try at home as it takes lots of practice, but Miquel is an expert!

He has just sent us some information in English about Castellers. Fascinating – what an awesome sight it must be to see towers of people 10 levels high! I was awestruck by seeing 5 levels!

¡Soy fuerte!

En Miquel


How it should be done!

Not sure I'd trust a random person to hold my child on their shoulders...


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