November 13, 2010 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: November 13, 2010


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Just (re)discovered ZooBurst thanks to Carolyn Jones and her message on the Yahoo MFL resources group giving the LinkBunchURL from TeachMeet Sheffield. It’s something about which I’ve heard before.  And I’ll be investigating further.

ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books.

ZooBurst allows you to write your own stories and animate them as pop up books.  As the pages turn, the characters pop up, and can be made to speak.

As with Storybird, you can search an online gallery of other people’s stories.

Having had a little look, I came across these stories Celebrando el Bicentenario en Chile.



As a MYLO ambassador, I’m pleased to say that, following a long hiatus in proceedings caused by the change in Government, MYLO is live!

MYLO, the free online language learning resource for students aged from 14 to 16, is live and online.
MYLO is the latest way for students to learn French, German, Spanish and Mandarin through computer activities which include producing a TV advert, working in a French fashion house and designing a football kit. With practice materials, online dictionaries, phrase books, background information and plenty of hints and tips, learners have everything they need to complete tasks online. Crucially the site also provides opportunities for students to use their productive skills working on writing and speaking projects.
Kate Board, Chief Executive of CILT, the National Centre for Languages, says: ‘The fun, innovative and creative approach to learning that MYLO offers is an ideal way for young people to learn a new language. If we want to reverse the downward trend in GCSE take-up, we need to connect with young people in a way they can relate to – and show them how they could use languages in a whole range of situations in later life.’
MYLO has been piloted and developed with the input of a number of schools, educational bodies and teachers. They report that it gets young people excited about languages, and helps them develop skills in delegating, group work and project management. One Year 8 student from Bradford described the activities as ‘fun and cool and something we are interested in’, whilst another talked of how it is ‘very different to anything we do in language lessons.’
MYLO also has a social networking element that allows students to become part of a MYLO community. Once their school is registered with MYLO, students can create their own online profile, comment on the work of their peers, get feedback from their teachers online and even compete against other schools. Teachers will also be able to create special playlists of projects for their pupils, to tie in with their own study requirements and personal interests.
To sign up for MYLO, and get more information on how it will work, go to

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