Olympics – Page 2 – ¡Vámonos!

Tag: Olympics

Lots of EMOTION today as Mrs Mildly Angry Carrot Face talks about her win in the pool and shares the secret of her success.
Grammar point? Giving opinions and talking about how you feel.

Back in the pool today and the Angry Family are trying to embody the Olympic motto – Faster Higher Stronger – and bicker a lot about who is fastest, thinnest and best!

Today’s grammar point? The comparative and superlative! (Good vocabulary list at the end!)


Today, we’re in the pool and waiting to start but someone is holding us up. Who MIGHT it be?

Grammar today? Podría – might, and a declaration about the universal right to wear a bikini!


Day three of Angry Olympics, and we reach the Opening Ceremony. What is GOING TO happen?

Today’s grammar point is the simple future using the present tense of IR A and the infinitive, as well as how to make the phrase negative.


I’ve just rediscovered these wonderful videos and in the run up to the Olympics, I’ll be posting one every day.

Whilst they’re based on the Beijing Olympics, they look at specific language points each time and are funny!

Today’s episode, CAN CAN, looks at PODER – to be able to, as well as transport vocabulary.


Languages MiniOlympics packs – Bringing together the two threads of KS2 teaching and languages and the International Dimension   –   presented by Michaela Howard and Jo Darley

Jo and Michaela – having marvellously overcome technical issues- presented their ideas for how to use the Olympics as the inspiration for language learning activities that  are clearly linked to the KS2 Framework and specifically for the class teacher to deliver.


Take 6 athletes from around the world –

  • look at their photographs
  • looking at names and have a go at pronouncing the names,
  • are they male or female? which country?
  • present countries in original language – can you decide which country it is?
  • look at different script
  • pause for thought – what was hard / easy?
  • greetings in their own language – which is which?
  • flags of countries – research?
  • sports on each day – who will be doing which sport? by process of deduction, decide!
  • customs and cultures to finish – which fact belongs with which athlete?




  • short activities that fit well into the school day
  • adapt the sports chart (containing all the sports in 5 languages) to individual needs – use one column or all five columns but just six sports to group etc
  • perhaps cut up into chunks to match up, compare languages, describe their decisoon making
  • then look for the symbols for sports
  • tailor it to the interests of your learners
  • make links – ask partner schools to tell you about their sports



Michaela suggested challenging pupils to come up with their own Olympic event by posing the following questions –

  • what would YOUR Olympic event be?
  • who is it for?
  • team vs individual
  • equipment?
  • feelings?
  • why should it be in the games?
  • enjoyable?
  • where will it be held?
  • training?
  • values?
  • judging?
  • skills?
  • children be involved?

*excellent activity with a partner school*

*engaging learning – collaborating*




Design a mascot with 2 places to look for inspiration – info on Beijing mascots and how they were conceived, what they represent etc and from London Olympic mascots – very visual labelled diagrams. (Didn’t manage to note the URL but found the picture!)

A mascot for YOUR area – black cabs are specific to London perhaps – what would eg Lincoln have?

(there’s a mascot maker on the 2012 site!)


How might you use the job of promoting the Olympic games as a task?

In Y3 with the objective “to copy words” you might

  • design a ticket
  • label a map of the event
  • simple bilingual dictionary to find your favourite sport
  • make a welcome flag

In  y4 with the objective “to write some simple words and phrases using model and some from memory” you might make

  • programme cover
  • logo and label it
  • whole class poster advertising all sports
  • simple menu for food stand (healthy lunchbox)

In y5 with the objective “to write words, phrases and short sentences using references” you might design a cartoon strip

In y6 with the objective ” to write sentences on a range of topics” you might

  • write a paragraph to describe how you feel about games
  • discuss where the games should be in 2020 – make your case
  • produce tourist information for another country



Going back to the 6 athletes and using these two sites, find out the distance the athletes have to travel to London (assuming they live in the capital city of their country!) How long will it take to travel? what time is it in their city when it’s  x o’clock in London?





There are 216 countries competing. Each one has a national anthem. What a lot of music to exploit!

  • What’s ours?
  • Listen to the national anthems – which country is it? You might need to give some clues too!
  • Look at lyrics in English and in the language of the country
  • Match up original to the English
A really great session, and can’t wait for the materials that Jo and Michaela kindly said they’d send!

*Part of a series of posts trying to summarise some of the sessions at Language World this year*

The opening of Language World saw a presentation by Anna Turney and Nick Fuller.

Anna Turney, Paralympic Snowboarder

Anna loved snowboarding and wanted to get good enough to compete. She moved to France after her degree, and decided that her best plan was to hang out with the French boys who’d know the place well (so her language skills came in very useful!) One season turned to three then she did a TEFL course, went to Japan and taught whilst still snowboarding at the weekend. In order to get sponsorship, she needed to win some races. Having played hooky one day to compete in a race, Anna crashed and ended up in hospital with 98% chance of walking again. In hospital, Anna had plenty of time to think and decide that she wanted to fight on. Language proved “fun” in hospital with misunderstandings and communication issues, but someone told her about sit-skiing which gave her new hope.

After a year of not being able to do extreme sports, Anna had a go and discovered it was harder than it looked! After practice, Anna came back to England, was spotted sit-skiing and invited to join the development squad, but had to self finance. A mystery donor bought her first monoski and off she went, on the road to Vancouver.

Anna set out to be the fittest and best she could, spending long periods of time away from home. Olympic values of friendship, excellence, respect, cooperation have been really important to Anna, and the buzz at Paralympics was enormous. Everyone has to wear team kit and it’s an amazing sight. When someone who’d won a medal came in, the whole dinner hall clapped. In Alpine skiing, each country is given an area of the hill, and countries need to work together to set courses. It is hugely competitive but there is a real togetherness about the whole experience too. The volunteers are amazing too.

Anna’s achievements in Vancouver – 6th in sitting slalom with which she was really pleased.

Anna acknowledges the debt she owes to all the people who have helped her – volunteers, family, sponsors, training partners – it’s a team effort.


Nick Fuller, Head of Education at LOCOG

In London there will be 170 nations.

Pierre de Coubertin saw Olympics as a sporting cultural coming together  – it’s more than sport! The vision for 2012 is to reach young people around the world. That’s been done through linking schools across the world, reaching millions of kids.

GetSet is delivered through a digital platform – www.london2012.com/getset

Cross curricular resources – themed and free!

GetSet schools have a strong local agenda as well as a national / international one. Big opportunities to work together too – National Sports Week has just ended! Also Musubi in East Midlands where Japanese team will be based.

Language and sport joined together eg handball in Spanish

Greenwich are offering free courses in Spanish, French, Japanese and Chinese – a focus on functional language.

Let’s get cooking around the world – recipes in Spanish, French, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese – encouraging schools to engage the community and parents in language teaching and learning.

MYLO – Track list – to build a training track for French team

Get Set goes global – recognises that we’re literally just about to welcome the world to UK. In September – Get Set for the Olympic Truce – to promote peace through sport and culture. In November, we’ll be encouraged to choose our Olympic team to support and find out about it. 25th June 2012 World sports day in Sports week.

Resources available from September onwards.

There are rewards and recognition for GetSet network by filling in a short form – access to benefits and a plaque!

Does the legacy of the Olympics revolves around West Ham vs Spurs? No, it’s more to it than that – it’s looking to inspiring young people, capturing hearts and minds, instilling values and inspiring lives.


Really enjoyed this session as it brought together two of my favourite themes – languages and global / intercultural understanding.


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