awards – ¡Vámonos!

Tag: awards

It seems that someone likes my blog as ¡Vámonos! has been nominated for The Education Blog Awards.

Which is rather exciting!

Not sure who the kind person who nominated me was, but thank you!

If you feel like voting, click on the lovely badges below and you’ll be taken to the place to vote.  There are lots of other blogs there that I’d encourage you to peruse, especially the class and school blogs written by and for children.

The top ten in each category will then be judged by the illustrious panel to choose the winners.

Don’t think for a moment that I’ll win but it’s good to see primary languages represented on the list!

Linguascope awards.

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Just discovered the following via Linguascope’s Facebook page.

To celebrate the second Linguascope Conference in Brighton we have decided to create a series of awards aimed at rewarding and highlighting outstanding achievements by individuals, companies and organisations involved in the field of Modern Foreign Languages.
The categories are as follows:
Language Teacher of the Year
This award aims at rewarding excellence and encouraging best practice in Language teaching.

Language Company of the Year
The award is aimed at rewarding a company for its outstanding contribution and service to the Foreign Language Teaching Community.

Language Product of the Year
This award aims at highlighting a product that is considered outstanding or innovative in the field of Languages.

Language College of the Year
This award is aimed at rewarding the College that has fostered outstanding achievement, elevated standards of good practice and has contributed to the local community.

Language Organisation of the Year
This award is aimed at rewarding an organisation that has raised the profile of Languages in the UK.

Language Speaker of the Year
This award is aimed at rewarding the speaker who has contributed innovative and inspiring ideas within the Language conference circuit.

Language Personality of the Year
This award is aimed at recognising the contribution of an individual in helping to raise the profile of Languages.

Language Blogger of the Year
This award is aimed at rewarding the most interesting and helpful blog in the field of Modern Foreign Languages.

To nominate someone is very easy and FREE! Just click on the relevant award, then download and fill in the form, making sure that all fields are completed. Then, fax or post it back to us (Linguascope) using the details below.
All nominations must be made via fax or post and submitted by the end of March 2011. The finalists will be announced at the end of May 2011. The Awards will be presented at the Linguascope Conference in Brighton on July 1st and 2nd 2011 at the Thistle Hotel. The VIP Guest Speaker for the event will be the Comedian John Moloney.
In order to keep the selection impartial we have appointed an independent panel of judges with extensive knowledge in the field of education and Languages.

So, get nominating! There are lots of great language ‘professionals’ out there who deserve a pat on the back!


Do you know an amazing language teacher?

Tell us about them by nominating them to be Primary Language Teacher 2010.

Now into its third year, the Primary Language Teacher Award – launched by La Jolie Ronde Languages for Children and Scholastic – aims to celebrate the very best in language teaching. It recognises and rewards teachers whose creative and inspirational approach in language teaching makes a significant impact on children, teachers, schools and communities.

We want you to nominate the teachers that you feel are enthusing children and colleagues about languages across your school; the teachers who are successfully creating a language culture in the school and of course making languages fun! Nominated teachers don’t have to be language experts – just enthusiastic about language teaching and great at getting children learning and enjoying languages

Geoff Swinn, Deputy CEO of CILT The National Centre for Languages, has again agreed to chair the judging panel. He says, “I am delighted to have been asked to be a part of this Award for the third year running. Teachers do so many fantastic things for our kids but they rarely receive the praise they deserve. The work they are doing to promote language learning at Primary age is really important as young children have a keen ear and are very receptive. This award has shown how many teachers are already doing great work to make language learning fun and memorable and are laying sound foundations for continuing progress and success.”


  • An all expenses paid school trip to Northern France for up to 30 children & 5 teachers
  • over £4000 of educational resources

Nominating is quick and easy – simply visit and fill out the online Nomination Form.

The closing date for nominations is 4th June 2010, the finalist Award Ceremony will take place on 16thNovember 2010 at the House of Lords.

Remember …. Good teachers deserve recognition…. Nominate today!

Find out more here

Celebrate language learning with the

Primary Languages Classroom Awards 2010 (PLCA 2010)

Entries are invited from: primary schools, after school clubs, teachers, children and parents who would like to share excellence in language teaching in their school. For the overall winning school there is £1000 worth of resources and a class visit to the Houses of Parliament in London to receive the winner’s Award.

What are the awards? The awards are a way of celebrating the teaching and learning of languages in UK primary schools and to highlight its positive impact on both the whole school and the local community.

As language teaching is a relatively new addition to the primary curriculum (supported right across the political spectrum), we aim to have a positive impact on the enthusiasm surrounding and the uptake of Primary Foreign Languages in our schools. With many pupils and schools supporting a wide range of languages in UK primary schools the English as an Additional language (EAL) award is to celebrate teachers and schools that support language development in both English and the child’s home language.

Who organises and sponsors the awards? The Primary Language Classroom Awards are organised by EMAS UK and Manic Monkey with the help of BESA and Affinity Media. The Awards are supported by Golden Daffodils, Little Linguist, Rafiki, and we are pleased to be able to recognise representatives from the French and German Embassies, the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, The Association of Language Learners, Dr Lid King (National Director for Languages.) and Gemini.

How are the awards judged? These awards are judged independently by a group of professional educational and language experts.

Who are the winners? There will be 5 category winners, one for each category who will receive certificates of excellence, and an overall winner who is judged to show good practice and an holistic approach to the teaching of language, they will receive the day trip for the a class of the school to the Houses of Parliament, £1,000 worth of prizes and a framed certificate.

If you want to enter, download this PDF

Closing date is 30th April so get your skates on!

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