puzzles – ¡Vámonos!

Category: puzzles

After I posted Joe’s quiz yesterday, I had an exchange of comments with Langwitch about how tricky it is was to name all the bloggers from their photos with so many people using avatars.

My obsession with widgets and avatars is well known (and well documented on this blog) but less is known about my love of quizzes and very competitive streak!

So, combining the two, here’s my version. Let’s see how ‘Joe’s best class‘ as José put it yesterday in a comment on Joe’s post, you get on with this.

(apologies to those who I’ve missed – any more avatars to declare?)

MFL Bloggers

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Joe Dale of Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom fame has been playing around with a new tool called MyStudiyo and come up with a quiz.
It’s based on MFL bloggers – multiple choice with four names to choose from for each photograph, so even if you don’t know the answer, you can guess.
Being a girly whirly swot, I got full marks – how will you fare?
PS I’m in it but the less said about the picture, the better ;o)

You may have noticed I’ve got a new widget on ¡Vámonos! labelled Where in the world…??
This follows someone (I’m afraid I can’t recall who!) Tweeting about placeSpotting.com, an online map game based on Google maps. There are numerous riddles showing a satellite picture of somewhere in the world in the top box, and in the bottom box is a Google map of the world. Your task is to find the exact satellite picture to ‘solve’ the riddle. Some people have left clues to help you – for example, I’ve just solved on with the clues

.…… Beach
Crockett and Tubbs

leading me to Miami.

Yesterday I was sent to Ullaru with the clue


I’m now addicted to the site – given the cold and hail/snow, it’s a fine way to spend a Bank Holiday afternoon, improving my Geographical knowledge (not my strong point). Some of the puzzles are fiendishly hard, others are very easy – I had to find the border between France and Spain yesterday!

Here are a few puzzles I’ve made to bamboozle you – they’re not hard! Congratulations to @mrmackenzie and @josepicardo for solving the first one very quickly!


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