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Off to Oxford!

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No, I’ve not decided to go back to university, nor been bitten by the urge to row (although if it meant getting near to Matthew Pinsent, I’d grab those oars like a shot!)

Tomorrow I’m off to Oxford for Language World, the Association of Language Learning‘s annual conference. Officially spread over two days, the fun and games actually start this evening with an event at the OUP bookshop, from 7pm, followed by a meal for those who have already arrived in Oxford. The official site says
‘Join us for a glass of wine : the perfect start to your conference and a great way to meet your fellow delegates while browsing in a relaxed atmosphere. There will also be some great special offers available. Anyone attending the conference is welcome, as are ALL members and all languages teachers and lecturers who live in Oxford or nearby.’

So if you meet the criteria, off you go!

I’m looking forward to two days of interesting exciting and inspiring PD – if it’s anything like last year, I’ll be exhausted but buzzing by the time I get home on Saturday night. It was really hard to choose my sessions, although 9 year old insisted I went to Ewan McIntosh‘s seminar- last year, he inspired me to buy a NintendoDS – my son wants to know if I could be persuaded to buy a Wii this year?? Actually, didn’t need much persuading! I’m also looking forward to the followup to a session I attended last year on using videoconferencing at Tile Hill Wood School and Language College to deliver PLL to feeder schools, and also to Stephen Fawkes’ session on learners being creative with language.

I’m also excited about being invited to take part in the London ALL Branch Show and Tell on Saturday by the President of ALL , no less, Helen Myers – I feel like I’ve been invited to a Royal garden party but without the need for a hat :o) I’ll be talking about my blog, and sharing tips and ideas for creative PLL.

And of course, the chance to meet friends, old and new is a big draw. Last year I missed the dinner as I decided to appease Mr Lisibo and spend a night away with him – but only succeeded in getting two enormous blisters on my feet as I insisted that my shoes were comfortable enough to walk in (underestimating the 4 miles I needed to walk back to the hotel) then keeping him awake telling him about all the things I’d learned. So this year, off to the dinner for me.

So see you in Oxford Joe, Chris, Marie-France, Lesley, Rachel, José, Helen, Ewan and Quentin et al. No doubt missed someone but that’s who I know is going!

If you’re an NQT or student teacher, you could get in for free – have a look here for details!

PS Find out what I thought about last year‘s Language World – pre-blog and pre-NintendoDS!

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