OSS – ¡Vámonos!

Category: OSS

Lisibo @ BETT

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BETT seems ages ago – but it’s only a month.

However, it’s a very long time to have neglected to blog my thoughts. I have been exceptionally busy since then – excuses excuse! – so much so that I’ve been struggling to keep up with life let alone blogging.
However, I was reminded that there is a clip of me doing what comes naturally – talking! Leon Cych asked me if I’d record a minute of my impressions of BETT – well, it’s a bit longer than that! Excuse me if it rambles a bit – I was very tired and had an excruciatingly sore back!
I think what I said having only been at BETT for 2 hours was still true after a day and a half. What makes and made BETT special for me is meeting people and sharing ideas. I did see a brilliant weather making green screen thing on the Kudlian stand – Jo Rhys-Jones and I got rather excited about the prospect of using it in language learning – Chris Fuller disowned us at that point!! And I had a marvellous time on the 2Simple stand – their products are brilliant (please could they make them Mac compatible though ;o)) But mostly it was TMTakeover, Teachmeet and meeting up with random people that made my BETT.
There are lots of other OSS videos with Dawn Hallybone, Zoe Ross, David Noble too. Check them out on the OpenSourceSchools channel on Youtube.

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