lisibo talks – Page 11 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: lisibo talks

‘Super Sub Stevens’ was called up as a last minute replacement today at a Comenius West Midlands conference for PMFL leaders entitled ‘What does a good one look like?

Hope all those that attended enjoyed th day. I was only there for the afternoon, but really valued the input by Pam Haezewindt of HMI on OFSTED inspections (blog post to follow!)

As promised, below is my presentation on The International Dimension. If you pop back in a day or so, you’ll be able to listen to the audio at the same time as I intend to make a Slidecast. (You can also listen to the audio on my podcast, Lisibo talks.)

I’ve also embedded a video of the hands from one of our International projects, Hands across the World.

View more presentations from lisibo.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or email me and I’ll try my best to help!

Lisibo talks!

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In order to make a Slidecast, you need to have a URL for the audio you want to synch to your Slideshare. So, the easiest way was to use Podomatic as I knew how that worked.

My first Slidecast – Ten top tips for Primary Language Learning – was created with the kind assistance of Joe Dale who saved the audio for me and emailed me the link, but I like to do things for myself and was determined to sort it all myself this time.

And, as I was putting the audio on Podomatic, it seemed silly not to publish it as a ‘podcast’.

So, you can also take advantage of just the audio of my PLS sessions (And any future ones!) by listening to my new Podomatic channel – Lisibo talks! or by subscribing on iTunes (link to follow when I’m approved!)

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