hits – ¡Vámonos!

Category: hits

When I checked my counter this morning, it read 29,927. That set me wondering if I could possibly reach 30,000 by midnight to end the year off on a ’round number’!

I tweeted at one o’clock-

and then again (after prompting for a URL!) at 2 o’clock by which time I’d had another 30 hits!

I then went out to play in the park with my kids – resulting in ‘más morados en el culo’ – and was alerted by @wizenedcrone to my achievement :

Thanks to Fiona for taking the screenshot at the top and for alerting the world to my mishaps!

But joking aside, as the year draws to a close, I want to thank you for travelling with me through 2009 which has been quite a year – exciting, scary, inspiring, stressful, successful and unforgettable.

Gracias amigos xx
PS to my reader in Kazakstan – are you Borat?? To my Icelandic reader – can I come and visit? And to my reader in he Aland Islands – welcome – I must find out where they are!!
Lisa xxx
PS as I publish this, my counter stands at 30,087. Thanks for enthusiastically hitting me xx

25000 not out!

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¡Vámonos! hit another milestone at some time between 10am and 2pm when it received its 25,000th hit. That is to say, my blog has been accessed more than 25,000 times- my previous counter mysteriously disappeared and, as I had no idea exactly how many hits I’d had when it went, I reset it to the last milestone I recalled.

So thank you for your continuing readership and support. It’s really exciting when people meet me and say ‘I read your blog!’ or ‘I used that idea you blogged’ or ‘thank you for your inspiration.’ It is so encouraging and keeps me going when things get on top of me.

Lisa xx

Well, something exciting happened yesterday and I was too busy at the MFL Flashmeeting to notice.

My blog received its 20, 000th hit at some point – when I checked today the counter stood at 20,095 which shocked me rather!

Thank you to all those who have read my blog over the last 20 months. Hopefully you’re still finding it helpful.

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