festivals – Page 3 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: festivals


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Today is Shrove Tuesday – I’ll be making pancakes very soon for my hungry ‘bichos’. However, in Spain and other Hispanic countries, they celebrate differently – as we found out at WCPS during our eTwinning project.

This time of year in Spain sees ‘carnavales’ . Coming from ‘carne’ = meat and ‘valle’ = farewell, festivities mark the start of Lent with parades and dressing up. The event was banned under Franco’s rule and recovered once democracy was established in 1981.
Check out this guide for more information and to find out about celebrations in different places around Spain.
Carnavales are not just celebrated in Spain however. Carnaval de Barranquilla in colombia is very famous and boasts a magnificent website full of information about traditions and actualities. Meet la Reina del Carnaval, elRey Momo and los Reyes Infantiles; check out some of the magnificent float designs , and check out what’s been and will be happening in Barranquilla.

¡Felices Reyes!

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As we’re all taking down our Christmas decorations and enjoying the snow, (well, we are here having been granted a snow day!) in Spain and Mexico, children have been receiving their presents this morning, left for them by Los Reyes Magos.

So, to all of you, ¡Felices Reyes!

Here is a video of last year’s celebrations in Madrid. Enlightening and well worth using in class to show children what happens.

Here’s the start of an animated film from Mexico about Los Reyes Magos.

And not forgetting the hilarious clip I shared last year!

Happy New Year to all readers of ¡Vámonos!

I’ll leave it to ABBA to say it in Spanish!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-7wAenKk7w&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f&border=1]

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Sebastian 18#365, originally uploaded by Camino Z.

“In Spain, on New Year Eve, we eat 12 grapes at the sound of the 12 last strokes of the year… one stroke, one grape, one stroke, one grape…

Thanks Camino Z for this!

Ideas for Christmas

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It’s that time of year again!

I thought I’d remind you of a couple of posts from last Christmas that are still relevant now – Firstly, some ideas of resources for Christmas.
Secondly, I’d like to reintroduce you to my friend, El pequeño petirrojo and introduce his French cousin, Le petit gorge rouge (see below)
Thirdly, some wonderful ideas about using The Snowman
And to highlight some ideas from elsewhere –
Alice Ayel has instructions on making a homemade nativity scene
Mark Purves has put together a quiz using Smartboard for French cultural information.
The BBC Primary Spanish site has a slideshow about events over the Christmas period in Spain.
A few ideas in this thread on the TES Forum and you can always check out resources in the TES Connect Resources area.
That should keep you going!
And a video to finish!

On Tuesday I took part in an LSG entitled Seasonal Activities at the Martineau Centre in Birmingham.

As promised, here is my story El pequeño petirrojo, and the translation into French Le petit rouge gorge

Here’s a previous presentation about Christmas activities that you might find useful as well.

Fed up at going back to work after the Bank Holiday? Here’s a quick guide to How to celebrate Cinco de mayo!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcwW6wQGyVQ&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6&border=1]

As a Mum whose eldest has ‘had a little chat’ with me this year about Father Christmas, this clip particularly struck a chord!

If you are fortunate enough to be somewhere they celebrate Reyes, enjoy the ‘cabalgatas’ and don’t forget your shoes on the balcony.

¡Felices Reyes!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noH51NPI9C4&hl=en&fs=1]

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