courses – Page 2 – ¡Vámonos!

Category: courses

Second of my upcoming ‘gigs’ is in Enfield, London, at London ATI.

Another of my ‘hats’ is as an Apple Distinguished Educator, and it’s in this capacity that I’m taking part in the Apple Teacher Institute (ATI) at Enfield CLC on June 16th-18th.

As the blurb says –

Over three days you will have many opportunities to explore and discuss with Apple Distinguished Educators how digital media and Apple technologies can be used to engage and motivate students. The aim is to promote teacher confidence and develop capacity in a relaxed and friendly manner for everyone, regardless of experience.

There will be workshops on iMovie, animation, podcasting, iWeb, music in Garageband, iPod Touches in the classroom and also a couple of more advanced workshops on Final Cut and Logic.

A great way to start off using a Mac:  you choose several workshops over the first two days then, on the third day,  work with a group of delegates to complete a project of your own devising, using the skills you have learnt – and quite possibly a few more you discover as you go along!

If you want more details you can download the following PDF giving details of how to register – London ATI

And if London is inconvenient for you, there are other ATIs around the country too – Doncaster, Liverpool and Stockton all host an ATI  in June / July.  If you want to know more, send me a message below or  via the contact form.

First conference in which I am taking part is the Linguascope Conference in Brighton at the end of June.

Entitled Inspiration for Motivation, the two day conference taking place at the Thistle Hotel in Brighton promises to run at a more relaxed pace than the usual frenetic conference with one hour sessions punctuated by  30 minute breaks to allow brains to take in what they’ve heard before being filled with ideas once more.  It also allows time for viewing the exhibition and for networking.

You can find out more by accessing the conference site and downloading the PDF.

My sessions are entitled Using Youtube in the classroom and Tips to motivate in the Primary Language Classroom.

Very much looking forward to this conference, not least for the seaside, the conference dinner (which promises to be spectacular) amd meetiong up with friends

As well as teaching Spanish at Whitehouse Common Primary, I am also often asked to speak at conferences about Primary Languages and how I teach using ICT.

I really enjoy speaking (as those who have met me already know!) and see it as a way of sharing my passion and enthusiasm with others.  Just as I use my blog as a way to share with others, when I’m presenting I’m passing on experiences and ideas that I have gained over time.

Over the next three posts I’ll be sharing details of three conferences at which I am speaking over the next term.  Perhaps one of them will attract your attention.

I’m Secretary and ‘web guru’ of the ALL Spanish Committee and would like to bring your attention to the following event that’s fast approaching.

¡Vida Latina! will be held at Aston University, easily accessible by road and public transport, and will be a day of celebrating all things Hispanic.
As you can see from the flyer, there are a variety of sessions covering travel, dance, literature and teaching ideas. Guaranteed to be a good day with things to entertain and also make you think.
More details can be found on the Links in languages site.
Excellent value – especially if you’re a student!!
I’m looking forward to learning some Tango. Must find a red rose….

Received an exciting email from the Consejería de Educación today about courses for teachers of Spanish.

Spanish online courses for teachers

Dates: January / May 2010

Spanish Ab Initio

This course runs for 60 hours over a 20 week period and will give you the skills you need to be able to speak and understand simple Spanish in everyday situations. The course is designed to give maximum flexibility. Teachers will have unlimited 24/7 access to the on-line material for the duration of the course to do their weekly work and to assess their progress by checking the answers and by doing the self-evaluation tests. Aimed at primary school teachers with no knowledge of Spanish that intend to teach Spanish next school year. Places available: 100

Elementary Spanish

This course runs for 60 hours over a 20 week period and will help you improve your command of the Spanish language. Teachers will have unlimited access to the on-line material for the duration of the course to do their weekly work and to assess their progress. It includes 9 online tutorials. Designed for primary and secondary school teachers with little knowledge of Spanish that are already teaching Spanish or intend to do so the next school year. Your level of Spanish will be determined by Instituto Cervantes. Tutors: From Instituto Cervantes in London and Manchester Places available: 120

What’s most amazing is the cost – £10 for ab initio ; £20 for elementary!

If you’re interested, you can get more details on the website of the Consejería where you can also download a PDF advertisement and application form. Closing date is 11th December – and it’s first come, first served so, get your skates on!!

Currently listening to Paz from the Consejeria de Educación talking about all the wonderful things that they do to promote Spanish within the UK and Ireland.

  • Courses for Primary teachers to improve their language skills,
  • Arsenal Double Club,
  • classes for Spanish children in the UK,
  • Ruta Quetzal,
  • resources held at Manchester University School of Language and Linguistics that you can borrow,
  • awards for Spanish Primary and Secondary School of the year
  • facilitating links between Local Authorities in UK and Ireland, and Consejerías de Educación of autonomous regions in Spain,
  • training British Council language assistants,
  • Spanish workshops
  • publications for Primary and Secondary including TECLA and Acti/España – published online

Check out their website for more information of the great work they do!

This time last week I was starting my second afternoon of speaking at Primary Language Show in Liverpool. In three weeks time, I’ll be listening to, well, I can’t decide! It could be Rachel Hawkes, it could be Alex Blagona on wikis and it could be Pippa talking about a cross curricular French / Tudors project.

As usual, Language World, the annual conference of the Association of Language Learning (ALL), is packed full of great sessions. Spread over two days – Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th April – and taking place at Leicester University this year, the conference as always has something for everyone.
From trainees to PhDs, from Primary languages to Further education – all will find something to satisfy their needs. There’s a primary strand this year which is great and special rates for Primary teachers – whoop whoop!

And the opportunities for meeting new people and networking are great too.

I love Language World because there are always sessions that really challenge my brain, something that doesn’t always happen in CPD.

Why not have a look at the ALL site, download the PDF and check it out for yourself.

I’m speaking on ‘Absorbing ideas for Primary languages’ so it would be lovely to see you there. if not, I’ll publish my presentation and resources here, and of course, add the audio to Lisibo talks!

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