Blogger – ¡Vámonos!

Category: Blogger


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Trying out my new Sony Ericsson K800i – you can blog from it.
mobile+blog =moblog.
Having Tweeted about my new acquisition, I discovered courtesy of @joedale that there was the possibilty of moblogging on it. He referred me to @blaggers, but before he could reply, @acsutcliffe did, confirming that I can moblog with it!
My first effort went to a new blog that was automatically set up by Blogger, but after the initial post, I was able to redirect to ¡Vámonos!
So, thanks to my Sony Ericsson K800i and ‘the boys’, here’s my first proper effort.

(photo – models from Animation workshop at ELLRSG with Oscar Stringer)

Like my Favicon?

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Continuing on the theme of ‘bling for your blog’, have you seen the latest – my Favicon. If you have the blog open in tabs, you should see my Weemee on the tab, and also by the URL in the address bar at the top. (Unless you use IE6 in which Favicons apparently don’t work!)

I was alerted to these little beauties by Silvia Tolisano’s post Add a Favicon to your blog
on her Langwitches blog. Although she offered the Wikipedia definition as well, I liked her ‘non scientific description’ – ‘The little thingy that shows up as a little picture right next to the URL address in the address bar.’ Sounded like a good idea – but couldn’t work out how to do it as Silvia’s blog is a WordPress blog with a hosting company so doesn’t work quite the same as a Blogger one!

Then Joe Dale blogged Favicon your Typepad blog
and, as usual, gave clear instructions on the way to go about it. But Typepad blogs are again different so still no joy!

However, I left comments on both blogs, and Silvia and Joe were kind enough to point me in the direction of Blogger Tips and Tricks and specifically Favicon for your Bloggerblog. (Thank you x)
And there, in words of one syllable and with clear step by step instructions, I discovered how and succeeded in adding my favicon using My Favatar.
And it really was quite easy! I could see that the post has been updated several times with additional information, and was cheered to see that the final ammendment was the idiotproof, step by step instructions in words of one syllable that I needed – so I’m not the only one who sometimes needs a bit of ‘intervention support’ ;o

And I’m quite fond of the latest use for my Weemee – she gets everywhere, that girl!

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