lisibo – Page 70 – ¡Vámonos!

Author: lisibo

ALL Spanish Committee in collaboration with the

Consejería de Educación, Embajada de España

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A language and cultural quiz about Spain and Latin America

Prizes donated by:

Consejería De Educación, Embajada De España, BBC Active Languages, AQA, Taylor & Francis

  • The quiz will be open for 24 hours from 17.00 on Thursday 3 December

  • To enter go to the ALL or Consejería de Educación website:

  • Individuals may enter at one level only, either;



KS5 – AS/A2

  • Deadline for entries is 17.00 on Friday 4 December.

Please see Conditions of Entry on websites for full entry details


Individual prizes and whole school prizes for best participating schools.


Conditions of entry

  1. Entry is by email only. Please email your answer form to:

  1. The quiz is open to students only (school prizes are allocated on the basis of the school which has the most number of participants, or the most number of correct winners).

  1. Individuals may enter at one level only, KS4 (GCSE) or KS5 (AS/A2).

  1. Entries are accepted on condition that it is the student’s own work. This must be verified by the class teacher.

  1. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

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Comenius Reggio visitors, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Last week was a whirlwind of activity as 8 educators from Barcelona visited Birmingham as part of a Comenius Reggio project linking Birmingham Local Authority, Newman College, Dorrington Primary and Whitehouse Common Primary with El Consorci, a part of Barcelona University that works with Newman, CEIP Els Pins and CEIP Barrufet.

Here are the visitors (plus Rona Heald from the LA, and me!) at the Civic Reception with the Lord Mayor of Birmingham and the Lady Mayoress.

More news about the project to follow when I’ve fully recovered!!

On Tuesday I took part in an LSG entitled Seasonal Activities at the Martineau Centre in Birmingham.

As promised, here is my story El pequeño petirrojo, and the translation into French Le petit rouge gorge

Here’s a previous presentation about Christmas activities that you might find useful as well.

Received an exciting email from the Consejería de Educación today about courses for teachers of Spanish.

Spanish online courses for teachers

Dates: January / May 2010

Spanish Ab Initio

This course runs for 60 hours over a 20 week period and will give you the skills you need to be able to speak and understand simple Spanish in everyday situations. The course is designed to give maximum flexibility. Teachers will have unlimited 24/7 access to the on-line material for the duration of the course to do their weekly work and to assess their progress by checking the answers and by doing the self-evaluation tests. Aimed at primary school teachers with no knowledge of Spanish that intend to teach Spanish next school year. Places available: 100

Elementary Spanish

This course runs for 60 hours over a 20 week period and will help you improve your command of the Spanish language. Teachers will have unlimited access to the on-line material for the duration of the course to do their weekly work and to assess their progress. It includes 9 online tutorials. Designed for primary and secondary school teachers with little knowledge of Spanish that are already teaching Spanish or intend to do so the next school year. Your level of Spanish will be determined by Instituto Cervantes. Tutors: From Instituto Cervantes in London and Manchester Places available: 120

What’s most amazing is the cost – £10 for ab initio ; £20 for elementary!

If you’re interested, you can get more details on the website of the Consejería where you can also download a PDF advertisement and application form. Closing date is 11th December – and it’s first come, first served so, get your skates on!!

One week on from the Language Show at Kensington Olympia, here’s my presentation entitled

SURVIVING THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. Not a title I would necessarily chosen as, to me, it implies that teaching languages is some sort of ordeal which is, for most of us, far from the truth.
I hope you enjoy the Slidecast – complete with kids and noisy neighbours. And if you want to listen whilst shopping, there’s the podcast of my talk on Lisibo talks!
A couple of things I skipped;
Firstly, a great tip for PLL is making links via something like eTwinning – – find out more here and check out my Slidecast here.
Secondly, I mentioned Oscar Stringer’s animation workshops but didn’t explicitly mention his upcoming workshop in London on 13th November –

This one-day course will give you the opportunity to gain knowledge and hands on experience using the latest software and hardware. Use the course as an opportunity to get to know your own equipment, bring laptops and cameras with you if you wish.

You will learn tips and tricks for getting great results quickly in the classroom, ideas to take back and use with your class as well as teaching resources designed to kick start animation projects.

For: Teachers in KS 1,2, 3 and 4 (ICT coordinators, Art and Media Studies Teachers.)

Cost: £130.00 + VAT Includes a CD of your work with teacher’s resources and lunch.

Times: 9.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

All enquiries to Oscar Stringer, Tel: 07974 764 849 or Email

And don’t forget that you can download forms for ICanAnimate and Hue HD webcam from his site.

Any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Sessame Street is 40 this year as Google reminded us yesterday when the Wallace and Gromit 20th birthday mast head was replaced with one celebrating Sesame Street. Today it’s Oscar the Grouch!

So, in honour of Sesame Street’s birthday, here’s a very catchy song from Mexico about fruit and healthy eating.
¡Qué os disfrutéis!

The Language Show

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On Saturday I’ll be in London at The Language Show. So excited!

There is so much to see and do – check it out for yourself here!
I’ve been asked to do a seminar this year – so if you want to know How to Survive Primary Languages, pop by to see me in room 3 at 1pm. And there are so many more too.
You can get in free by registering on the site so whatever your interest in language learning, if you can get to Olympia over the next three days, it’s well worth the effort!
Of course, I’ll post my presentation here straight after the show, and I’ll be tweeting all day too.

I’ve been having a little look at Youtube resources again, and, inspired by the session last week on teaching Infants languages, I’ve found some sweet little videos featuring Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too! Now, Winnie is always a winner in my books – I just love that bear of very little brain! – but talking Spanish is even better.

A couple of ideas.
This clip is called Estrellita abrillar and is a version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (I know other words). The story seems to be that Lampi, the Heffalump can’t sleep and they sing to him. However, his Mummy sings different words so he sings them to the friends then goes to sleep. A cute little story in a song in just over a minute.

The words are:

Estrellita ¿cómo estás?

me preguntas ¿qué serás?

en el cielo brillas tu

como un diamante es tu luz.

Estrellita ¿cómo estas?

me preguntas ¿qué serás?

Lindo lampi ¿cómo estás?

No te quejes; duerme ya

La noche es para soñar

Pon su trompa, descansar.

Qué se acabe mal humor

y no ronques por favor.

Lindo lampi ¿cómo estás?

Es mejor que duermas ya

Then there’s this clip called Es la hora de pensar and is a little song to signal thinking time. I think it would be a lovely cue to send children to their desks to work on whatever they are doing, or as a signal to change activity. And not just in language lessons but as one of those ’embedded’ ways of making language an everyday, incidental thing.

Hope you like them!

Any other ideas people have found?

I’ve spent some time over the weekend doing something that I find rather uncomfortable – listening to my own voice! Whilst it is much better than watching myself on video, I find myself cringeing at the sound of my accent and speech habits. In my head I don’t sound like that – my ‘self-image voice’ speaks much more ‘properly’ and sounds less Brummie!

So why do it? Well, I was catching up with editing the audio from my presentations at two recent conferences – in Hull and in Basingstoke, Hampshire – before adding it to my podcast. I kept reminding myself that I wouldn’t have to listen again once I’d finished, and then remembered that I’d have to listen one more time to synch the audio to my Slideshares to make Slidecasts.

So – I’m pleased to announce three new episodes of my podcast Lisibo talks! But does it make sense?

You’ll also find that my Slideshares in previous posts on Hull Primary Language Conference an
d Hampshire Language Conference are now Slidecasts with the audio added.
So, I hope my agony was worthwhile and that people will have a listen and perhaps learn from the presentations – even if it is how to talk Brummie ;o)

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