lisibo – Page 63 – ¡Vámonos!

Author: lisibo

I’ve been looking for resources about healthy lifestyles and food today, and came across this song on my travels around Youtube.

Very catchy and good for practising opinions about food – me gusta(n) / no me gusta(n)
Ojo – it’s South American so uses the phrase ‘el jugo de naranja’ for orange juice instead of the Spanish ‘el zumo de naranja’.

Another useful video on the same theme, and with the same ‘quirk’ is the one below. This time it’s a rap that could easily be adapted to include other items of food, or other vocabulary too.

I loved the official song of the FIFA World Cup 2010 when i heard it for the first time today. And now I’ve found this bi-lingual version too with K’Naan, the original artist, singing with David Bisbal.

The lyrics are below!

Waving Flag de K´naan y David Bisbal
Give me freedom
Give me fire
give me reason
Take me higher
see the champions
take the field now
youll be fighters
make us feel proud
En las calles muchas manos
levantadas, celebrando
una fiesta sin descanzo
los paises como hermanos
Canta y une tu voz
grita fuerte que te escuche el sol
el partido ya va a comenzar
todos juntos vamos a ganar
Seremos grandes,
seremos fuertes
somos un pueblo
bandera de libertad
que viene y que va (x3)
when i get older
i will be stronger
theyll call me freedom
just like a wavin flag
Now wave your flag (x3)
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
Danos vida
danos fuego
que nos lleve a lo alto
campeones o vencidos
pero unidos a internarlos
In the streets
are exalted people
as we lose our inhibitions
celebretion is around us
every nation all around us
Singing forever young, singins
songs underneath the sun
lets rejoice to the beatuful game
and together at the end of day
Seremos grandes,
seremos fuertes
somos un pueblo
bandera de la libertad
que viene y que va (x3)
when i get older
i will be stronger
theyll call me freedom
just like a wavin flag
Now wave your flag (x3)
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
Seremos grandes,
seremos fuertes
somos un pueblo
bandera de la libertad
when i get older
i will be stronger
theyll call me freedom
just like a wavin flag
Now wave your flag (x3)
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
And everybody
will be singing

The Youtube page also explains –

El español David Bisbal y el somalí K´Naan interpretan la versión latina del tema Waving Flag, elegido para la Copa del Mundo FIFA Sudáfrica 2010.
La canción fue estrenada ayer, como parte de las celebraciones rumbo al Mundial.
“La música y el futbol unen al mundo, y a través de esta canción queremos contagiar el sentimiento de alegría que nos provoca este evento mundialista”, explicó el artista español, al referirse a la canción inspirada en costumbres africanas referentes a la fiesta, y que aborda temas como el amor, la unión y el optimismo.
El tema presenta pasajes en español e ingles y un video en el que se pueden ver las pocas habilidades futbolistas de Bisbal, quien lucha sin éxito dominar un balón.
La canción de la Copa del Mundo, Waving flag, fue compuesta por el rapero Knaan Mogasishu, quien nació en Somalia aunque es ciudadano canadiense.
La canción es el tercer single de su álbum Troubador y meses atrás fue elegida por la organización del Mundial como su himno oficial.

My second presentation at the Primary Language Show this year was entitled

What can eTwinning do for you?
This was an extended version of last week’s presentation, offering ideas of how eTwinning and addressing the International Dimension fits into the Key Stage 2 Framework and meets objectives for all years.
Below is the Slidecast of the presentation.
And also a video of me explaining why eTwinning is so good for the PLL classroom.
If you want to find out more about the project we did at Whitehouse Common, check out this previous post

I was privileged to be asked to speak at the Primary Language Show once more this year. Having presented last year on El Carnaval de los Animales and You and Youtube, this year I had two new topics on which to speak.

The first of my presentations was entitled

Audaciously using Voices to make Voki!

During the session I aimed to explain how Audacity, Voki and Voicethread work, and how they can be used to enhance learning in the Primary Language Classroom. I gave examples from my classroom, made a Voki there and then and also drew ideas from others including Esther Mercier and Royds School.

Below is a Slidecast of my presentation, and here’s a link to further resources to help you – a guide to making Voki, embedding on a Wiki and notes on all 3 tools – and others – including tutorials!

Hope you find them of use.

Here’s my second presentation from Vida Latina, offering ideas for making Spanish cross curricular. Included are ideas from my classroom and also links to other cross curricular ideas such as Mira Miró and Jumping through hoops.

I sadly forgot to press record on my iRiver so there’s no audio this time I’m afraid. However, if you’d like to ask questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll try and reply.

Here comes the first of my presentations from Vida Latina last week at Aston University. The conference was organised jointly by Links into Languages and the ALL Spanish Committee, and focussed on Latin America.

AS part of the day, we had a session on International links – a double act between Liz Hitchcock of the British Council and me.
After Liz had talked about the Global Gateway and ePals, I shared some experiences of how we have gone about links with other schools at Whitehouse Common.
Here’s my presentation as a Slidecast.

Coming soon….

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I’m really aware that I have a backlog of posts awaiting publication.

Over the next few days, I’ll be uploading presentations from
Education Show
Vida Latina
Primary Language Show
…and also reporting back from other sessions!
The audio may take a little longer though….
It’s great to be busy – sorry if you feel I’m neglecting you!!

Another example of the wonder of animation from Oscar Stringer.

This clearly shows how animation can be used in the primary classroom to present and rehearse vocabulary as well as make ‘pop videos’
Find out more on Oscar’s blog.
And if you’re going to the Primary Languages Show in Liverpool next Friday, you can catch Oscar sharing more ideas and examples of animating in the PLL classroom.



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Still not had time to do that ‘proper blog post’ as I’ve spent the afternoon editing video of the tango demonstration and workshop we had yesterday at Vida Latina.

Below are the two demonstrations by Loyd and Sandra from TangoInBrum. Did you know that tango is all improvised? I didn’t!
You’ll also find a Slideshare I found tango.
And our efforts are at the bottom.

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