I received this message today from Linda Parker, Director of ALL (Association for Language Learning)
ALL together – let’s speak out about languages!
20-26 September 2010
The Association for Language Learning would like to know about the issues which particularly concern you about the teaching and learning of languages and suggestions of things that should be done to tackle these.
At a time of change in the UK Government, ongoing political pressure from European sources, and internal pressures within our education system, it is relevant that ALL, the UK’s major association for language teachers, consult you, its members, about the matters that are most of concern and in need of attention.
Next week, beginning on Monday 20 September, ALL is asking members and language teachers everywhere to meet up anywhere, anytime – in the staff room, in your department, at home or in the pub – to think about ways in which language teaching and learning could be improved and promoted. And if you can’t find time to meet with others, don’t let that stop you sending us your own views.
If the Government is serious about the Big Society, then we think it should be ready to hear what teachers have to say!
The consultation week will culminate on Saturday 25th September at the Annual General Meeting of the Association (Goethe Institut, London 10.30 – 12.30, see www.all-languages.org.uk for further details) where we will pull together the ideas that you’ve sent to us during the week and where we hope members within reach of London will join us to take the discussion further.
Here are a few ideas about the kinds of things you might like to talk about
Within the context of your own work and locality:
1. What is the achievement you would most like the media / public / decision-makers to know about?
2. What is your response to media statements such as “language teaching puts most people off learning a language” or “Languages considered least important subjects for children to learn at school” ?
3 What are the issues that worry you most?4. How can we ensure that decision makers in education value language learning?
We’ll be adding more ideas to our website over the next week – see www.all-languages.org.uk
We’d like to hear from you in the week beginning Monday 20 September – every day we’ll update the website with views as they come in. There are a number of ways you can send us your thoughts:
- Email them to Steven Fawkes, ALL Membership Officer steven.fawkes@gmail.com
- Use our Facebook page to share your views – go to www.facebook.com/alllanguages.org.uk, become a fan and add your comment to our ‘consultation’ thread.
- If you fancy ‘tweeting’ instead, go to http://twitter.com/wendynewman1, follow us and send us your views.
We’ll make a final public statement, bringing together all your views, on the European Day of Languages, to be celebrated this year on Monday 27 September.
Let’s work together to make the voice of language teachers heard!
So, here I am passing the message on!
I’ll be tweeting no doubt!
I take my job as a parent very seriously and when I heard that Isaac would be learning German, I decided to prepare him adequately.
Firstly, we looked at the importance of language learning.
Then we looked at some numbers.
Tonight we’ll be working on some instructions.
When I said i take my job as a Mum seriously, that doesn’t mean I’m always serious! ;o)
I’ve just had a go at sub titling one of my favourite Spanish kiddies song – La Vaca Lola.
What do you think?
I used a tool called Universal Subtitles that allows you to subtitle videos in a variety of formats. Looks rather interesting – and useful!
I can’t seem to make it embed in WordPress so here’s the link!
30 minutes later – I’ve done another one – here’s Juguemos en el bosque.
I am a great fan of IKEA.
As I have shared before, I find it a goldmine for teaching resources.
On my latest visit, I made a couple of purchases-
Great for speaking tasks to encourage reluctant speakers, to encourage imagination and to ‘distract’ from repetitious or disliked activities. This set add to my already large collection of animals, fairytale characters, sea creatures and other random puppets I’ve gleaned from parties, charity shops and toyboxes!
These were my favourite find this time. Soft fruit – banana, grapes, kiwi, orange, apple and watermelon – and vegetables – leek, carrots, cucumber, mushrooms, garlic, tomatoes and lettuce- in a punnet / basket.
Just the thing for –
and I’m sure there are more things that could be done with them given more than 10 seconds thought! If you’ve got any ideas, leave a comment below!
This evening I was very excited to be interviewed by David Noble aka @parslad as part of his PhD Edonis project – ‘an interpretivist study of the social web and PLNs’
Along with many others (there’s a list of my illustrious company here), I volunteered a while away to answer questions on my online learning and use of social media to help David with his research. One of the things we all agreed is that we would be interviewed individually at some point during the two year process, and today it was my go. I had the added ‘bonus’ of having my conversation broadcast live via iPadio.
I hope I answered David’s questions properly – I certainly talked a lot! We talked about my online presence in various forms, especially Twitter, MFLResources Yahoo mail group and my blog, ¡Vámonos!, how my PLN was quite varied, and how sometimes it’s easier to ‘get on’ with people online although it’s good to meet face to face at times as well.
You can listen to the interview here
It seems that some people are just incapable of getting *completely* into holiday mode and just can’t stop themselves from working!
Jo Rhys Jones is one of these mad people and over the last week or so she’s been populating her wonderful Talkabout Primary MFL NING with resources that she’s developed for a project to celebrate National Children’s Book Week.
So far she’s shared resources for the books
Je m’habille et je te croque…!
Lots of stuff there that can be used straight away or translated into Spanish, French, German or whatever other language you fancy. You can also take the ideas and use in English literacy.
I like Jo’s idea that this type of thing can be used as a transition project with KS3 working on materials to present to KS2 and KS1.
Feel free to add to Jo’s ideas – I know she’d be really pleased if you did – and share them back again.
And if you’re involved in ANY way in language learning with primary aged kids and aren’t a member of Talkabout Primary MFL, make sure you join. You’re missing out on so much!!
Here are some short clips of British children’s programmes in Spanish. A familiar context is useful in language learning, and it’s always fun to see what the familiar sounds like in another language!
First of all, here’s Pat, el Cartero.
And then there’s Noddy!
And finally from El jardín de los sueños, Makka Pakka.
A thought provoking video from José Picardo posing the question of the title, and reflecting on the changing needs of our students.
Thanks to Jess for making me watch it again!
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