October 27, 2014 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: October 27, 2014

I had a bit of a pinning session last night on Pinterest and came across some things I thought I’d share.

Firstly, some lovely GIFs that are spread throughout the post – great as a ‘greeting’ on the board even if you’re not going to do any more about Día de los Muertos.

Next, a template to make La Catrina that is from Flickr – here’s the link to the finished item

A simple bilingual poem that I’d pinned previously; it seems to have disappeared from the original site so good job I pinned it!


I like the ideas on this site for making a “skull mask” (see below left) as well as this idea for making “name skeletons” using children’s names in cursive handwriting and mirrored as the rib cages (below right)!

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A post from Zambombazo using the Google Doodle of which there are many more (search Google Doodle Dia de los muertos)!

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And two delightful videos: one I shared last year along with links to other resources, and then this one that is a story about a grandma and a child – La niña y la abuela (click the picture and the video will open and play)

I also found Slideshares that explain the two films in simple Spanish with screen shots from the videos on Aprendemos juntos which has lots of other video links, infographics and much more!

La niña que recuerda presentation along with lots of other resources

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And I’ve mislaid the song I’d saved (obviously not well enough!) so here’s a favourite of mine – and my classes!

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