June 2011 – ¡Vámonos!

Month: June 2011

My Money Week


Money Money

Image bninette_luz

This week is My Money Week in many schools across the country including my own.

For the first time this year, I’ve been asked to contribute some ideas for Spanish activities. I’ve done them in the past but it’s a sign of the increasing willingness – and excitement – on the part of some of my colleagues that I was specifically asked this time.

So off I popped to do some research and found a site called MamutMatemáticas where I found some resources for all sorts of mathematics in Spanish!

There are free resources for each topic as a sample – there are five for Dinero (see below) and I could have just used those. However, for £2 I downloaded a 52 page PDF offering ideas and worksheets on recognising coins, adding up, giving change, c to € and vice versa, prices and solving word puzzles.

So, in conjunction with the euro coins that are lying in the Maths cupboard, year4 are next week going to do some Spanish maths. Again. (I need to tell you about my excursion into CLIL but that’s for another day…)

The instructions won’t make much sense without the PDF but I’ll share them if anyone buys it!

I also found a number of sites that might help with the week –

facts about currencies  – http://kids.yahoo.com/reference/world-factbook/currency
online activity on currencies – http://www.pitara.com/activities/quiz/online.asp?qname=currencies

making amounts of money in euros http://www.teachingmoney.co.uk/eurosite/wb/makemeEURO.html

a VERY challenging game that involves buying items to an exact amount of money http://www.teachingmoney.co.uk/eurosite/games/picknmixEURO.html

this one’s about giving change http://www.teachingmoney.co.uk/eurosite/games/changeEURO.html

I’m sure there are plenty of other sites too that offer similar activities. I’d be interested to know if you’d like to share some!

PS here are the sample sheets on money from Mamutmatematicas –







Today see the second Website of the week in QR code – this one is still under construction but is looking great!

The colour was chosen especially to match the colour scheme of the site – and the school ;o)

(For those of you without a QR reader, click here)

I’m in a session at the moment led by the wonderful @tecnoteach talking about using QR codes.

So I’ve decided to have a go at using my new knowledge to start a ‘website of the week’ QR code on ¡Vámonos!

Here’s your first one!

If you want to read it, use an app on your mobile device like QuickMark or i-nigma.

I’m at NCSL in Nottingham at the UK National eTwinning Conference.

This afternoon we’re having a Teachmeet and I’ve decided to share about one idea that has come from our Comenius Regio project and specifically a visit to the zoo.

Here’s the presentation (lots of pics!) and the link to my blogpost that expands on my idea.

Teachmeet #etwinuk – Let's go to the zoo! [slideshare id=8345773&sc=no]

View more presentations from Lisa Stevens

Following on from last year and Bricklaying for beginners,  and 2009 with Absorbing language learning, I’m once more presenting at ALL Language World.

This year Language World is entitled All together now. Here’s the invite from ALL:-

Join us ALL Together at Language World 2011, 8-9 Jul 2011 @ Imperial College, London:

It’s a conference: A packed programme of over 60 speakers from around the language teaching world…

It’s a training event: It’s only 2 days out of your busy schedule… great CPD for a fantastic price!

It’s an exhibition: A large and varied exhibition showcasing the latest in language learning resources and support.

It’s a real boost to your teaching: A great way to recharge your batteries – a two day shot of ideas, advice and inspiration!

It’s a celebration! Get together with other language teachers from around the UK, and around the world… and in the lead up to the London 2012 Games, celebrate language teaching and learning with your community!

For more information, and to book, go to: http://tiny.cc/LanguageWorld2011.


My session this year will be called Entitled to enjoy Primary languages.

Here’s the blurb!

This session will consider the position of language learning in the primary curriculum

(currently as an entitlement) and give practical examples and ideas about how

language learning can be more than a “bolt on”.

It will consider:

• why PLL is so important

• the current position re primary languages

• what is an entitlement?

• what does it mean to me?

• PLL integrated into the curriculum ? learning journeys, cross curricular

activities and CLIL

• international dimension (ref to Comenius Reggio, eTwinning projects)

• motivation to learn

• creativity let loose!

The session will include practical ideas including storytelling, song, dance,

drama, physical activity, international projects, cross curricular links and

exploiting ICT. Examples will be mainly in Spanish with some French ? other

languages may appear!!

I always have a great time at Language World, whether running around the Quad in Oxford, nearly missing the bus in Leicester or dodging goose poo in York, and this year I’m really looking forward to the conference being in London at Imperial College.



I’ve just found this lovely clip on BBC Learning Zone yesterday. Funny and good for daily routine in Spanish. There are also Not now Farley episodes for weather, pets, food and clothes. And they’re also available in French and Mandarin!

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