January 23, 2008 – ¡Vámonos!

Day: January 23, 2008

The time has come to admit something I’ve tried to ignore and hide for a while – I am addicted to blogging! I’ve just taken a test and, by asking me about my blog habits it concluded that …
81%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Now that’s worrying! What’s more worrying is that I’m sure it would be worse if the questionnaire had asked questions like

  • how often do you casually drop your blog into conversation?
  • how many times a day do you ‘pop by’ your blog to check how many visitors it’s had?
  • how much time do you spend looking for bling for your blog?
  • do you feel bereft if you can’t look at your blog on a regular basis (Birmingham LA hasn’t blocked blogs yet, but I did a course in Gloucester where they are blocked and was beside myself that I couldn’t see ¡Vámonos!)

Joking aside, I am loving my blog, and the time I spend on it is well spent as people are reading it – and I hope finding it interesting and informative. My visitor counter clocked 1000 on Monday and I nearly hit the roof. May not seem many when you think that Joe Dale’s blog is at 81,980, but I’m pleased as punch. In the words of Jaume Fuster De mica en mica s’omple la pica.

So keep stopping by and letting me know what you’ve found interesting and I’ll keep feeding my addiction – which actually is a quite healthy one!

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