refrany – ¡Vámonos!

Category: refrany

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With term starting on Wednesday, I must admit that I’ve not done as much as I would have liked towards recalling and improving my Catalan. I have
tweeted Mark a few timespobret! – and I joined a Facebook group – I WANNA LEARN CATALAN! and guess who had beat me to it? Si, es meu amic escocès! I’ll be following some of the suggestions in the thread Music in català – I learn well from songs, and I apparently have poor taste in music (???) so this might improve my kudos!

Anyhow, yesterday I had to make do with a ‘S’expressió catalana des dia’ – as I tweeted

Estic no sé com.

It means ‘There is something the matter with me’ – and I just love the phrase as it amuses me!

Avui vaig decidir a matar dos pardells d’un tret. (Very proud of myself for remembering this vaguely!!)

It’s time to post my next tonguetwister on 12seconds.TV and I want to keep up my Catalan practice, so below is the amalgamation of the two things!

Have a go at this topical tongue twister –

Catalan tonguetwister on

Com a ploure, prou que plou, Pau, però plou poc.

It means …Well, it really rains, Paul, but it only rains a little. (we wish!)

And if that’s not enough, try one of these 1221 (!) refranys about sa pluja :o)

Fins demà!

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