Here’s my second presentation from Vida Latina, offering ideas for making Spanish cross curricular. Included are ideas from my classroom and also links to other cross curricular ideas such as Mira Miró and Jumping through hoops.
I sadly forgot to press record on my iRiver so there’s no audio this time I’m afraid. However, if you’d like to ask questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll try and reply.
Here comes the first of my presentations from Vida Latina last week at Aston University. The conference was organised jointly by Links into Languages and the ALL Spanish Committee, and focussed on Latin America.
AS part of the day, we had a session on International links – a double act between Liz Hitchcock of the British Council and me.
After Liz had talked about the Global Gateway and ePals, I shared some experiences of how we have gone about links with other schools at Whitehouse Common.
Here’s my presentation as a Slidecast.

Here’s a Voki I made yesterday in my session at the Primary Language Show, using a song I’d recorded for a non-Spanish speaker to use with her class.
Sadly no spider avatar on Voki, but I did manage some rain…..
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